Elevate April 2021 | Air Serbia

Od ponovnog uspostavljanja vazdušne veze sa SAD, 6. juna 2020, do 28. februara 2021. Er Srbija je obavila 218 letova između Beograda i Njujorka i prevezla ukupno 38.187 putnika.

Since flights to the U.S. resumed after the pandemic groundings on 6 th June 2020, Air Serbia had carried out 218 flights between Belgrade and New York by 28 th February 2021, carrying a total of 38,187 passengers




The benefit of changing the date of your flight free of charge, which makes travel planning much easier, will be available to all those who purchase flight tickets by 31 st December 2021 FREE FLIGHT DATE CHANGE UNTIL THE END OF THE YEAR DUE TO THE CHANGING EPIDEMIOLOGI- CAL SITUATION that results in the imposing of travel restrictions, Air Serbia has decided to enable its passengers to change the dates of their travels until the end of the year. This be- nefit, which makes travel planning much ea- sier, will be available to all those who purcha- se flight tickets by 31st December 2021. The promotional campaign includes all destinati- ons in the Serbian national airline’s network, except New York, and applies to dates of tra- vel up to 31 st December 2021. “The situation is still very prone to chan- ge in regard to travel restrictions, which is why flexibility is one of the key elements when booking a flight. Putting the needs of our passengers first, we have decided to extend this campaign and enable passen- gers to approach their travel planning in a more relaxed way during the upcoming se- ason as well. Additionally, in the coming pe- riod, we will begin testing the IATA Travel Pa- ss, a mobile app that will help passengers organise their travels simply and safely, in accordance with the regulations of coun- tries pertaining to COVID-19 testing or vac- cination,” said Jiri Marek, Air Serbia General Manager, Commercial and Strategy. Air Serbia’s promotional campaign allows passengers to change the date of their flights an unlimited number of times and at any time, without paying date chan- ge fees, no later than one day before the planned departure. If the initially paid tari- ff is not available for the newly-selected da- te, it is possible to pay the difference for the next available tariff.

ZBOG VEĆE POTRAŽNJE, ER SRBIJA JE od 22. marta poveća- la broj letova između Beograda i Njujorka na tri nedeljno, pa sao- braća ponedeljkom, četvrtkom i subotom. Dodatni let JU 500 iz Beograda obavlja se ponedeljkom u 7.20, a let JU 501 iz Njujorka u 15.40 po lokalnim vremenima. – Dodavanje još jednog ne- deljnog leta ka Njujorku, uprkos pandemiji korona virusa, jasan je pokazatelj da naša linija preko Atlantika dobro funkcioniše i pred- stavlja jednu od najjačih ruta Er

Srbije . Sjedinjene Američke Drža- ve su veoma značajno tržište i ra- duje nas što obezbeđujemo kon- tinuiranu i snažnu vazdušnu vezu ne samo Srbiji, već i širem regionu – izjavio je Jirži Marek, direktor za komercijalu i strategiju Er Srbije . Uspeh koji Er Srbija već dugo beleži na liniji za Njujork potvrđen je u septembru 2020. godine, ka- da se, sa 67 odsto na Terminalu 4 najprometnijeg njujorškog aero- droma, našla na prvom mestu po popunjenosti kapaciteta za pre- voz putnika.


IN RESPONSE TO INCREASED DEMAND, AIR Serbia has in- creased the number of flights between Belgrade and New York to three a week, as of 22 nd Mar- ch, and is planning to operate fli- ghts along this route on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays. An ad- ditional JU 500 flight from Bel- grade is departing on Mondays at 07:20, while the JU 501 flight from New York will be departing at 15:40, local times. “The addition of another wee- kly flight to New York, despite the pandemic, is a clear indicator that our transatlantic connection functi-

ons well and that it represents one of Air Serbia’s strongest routes. The United States is a very important market for us, and we are glad to provide continuous and strong fli- ght connectivity, not just to Serbia, but also to the broader region,” said Jiri Marek, Air Serbia General Mana- ger, Commercial and Strategy. The enduring success that Air Serbia has been achieving with its New York service was confirmed in September 2020, when – with 67% at Terminal 4 of New York‘s bu- siest airport – it found itself ranked number one in terms of the load fa- ctor on flights to the Big Apple.

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 45

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