Crkva Svetih apostola Petra i Pavla u Novom Pazaru / Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in Novi Pazar Enes Halilović’s latest novel, People Without Graves (Laguna), received the 2020 Golden Sunflower Award for the best book in the Serbian lan- guage. In explaining its decision, the award jury stated that Halilović’s nov- el “stood out because of its identify- ing of a convincing framework that encompasses depictions of histori- cal processes, poetic achievements and experiments, literary obsessions and layers of folklore and mythology”. This narrator, novelist, poet and play- wright was born in Novi Pazar in 1977. He published his first poem at the age of 16 and his first book, Middle Name, at the age of 17. He has published nu- merous poetry collections, two plays – Within the Living and Kemet – as well as the novels The Epic of Water, If You Gaze Long Into The Abyss and Peo- ple Without Graves. He is the recip- ient of numerous awards, including, among many others, the Meša Seli- mović, Branko Miljković, Đura Jakšić and Stevan Sremac awards. His works have been translated into over 20 lan- guages. Ko je Enes? Poslednji roman Enesa Halilovića Ljudi bez grobova (Laguna) dobio je nagra- du Zlatni suncokret za najbolju knjigu na srpskom jeziku u 2020. U obrazlo- ženju žirija navodi se da se Halilovi- ćev roman „izdvojio zbog nalaženja uverljivog okvira koji obuhvata prika- ze istorijskih procesa, poetičkih do- stignuća i eksperimenata, književnih opsesija i folklorno-mitoloških nasla- ga“. Ovaj pripovedač, romansijer, pe- snik i dramski pisac rođen je 1977. u Novom Pazaru. Prvu pesmu objavio sa 16 godina, a prvu knjigu Srednje slovo sa 17. Objavio je mnoge zbirke pesama, dve drame – In vivo i Kemet , kao i romane Ep o vodi , Ako dugo gle - daš u ponor i Ljudi bez grobova . Do- bitnik je brojnih nagrada: Meša Seli- mović, Branko Miljković, Đura Jakšić, Stevan Sremac i mnogih drugih. Nje- gova dela prevedena su na više od 20 jezika. WHO IS ENES?
Crkva Svetog Georgija u pravoslavnom manastiru Đurđevi stupovi The church of St.George in the orthodox Đurđevi stupovi Monastery
spirit of Novi Pazar. What was it that led people to live among these people? What enticed foreigners to visit Novi Pazar and to live and ed- ucate themselves there? Studying in Novi Pazar are students from 32 countries: from the U.S., Germany, Belgium, Denmark, France... from Russia, Syria, Pakistan, Afghani- stan… Novi Pazar is currently home to
many renowned artists and scien- tists. Everyone who comes and goes describes the people of Novi Pazar as hospitable people. Although the city has many environmental prob- lems, there is nonetheless an en- ergy there that needs to be felt. As we‘ve already said, behind physical matters exists spirit.
Novi Pazar
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