later, and this is one of the most beautiful theatrical gestures I've ever heard of. Exhausted People During the evening hours I saw people who were extremely ex- hausted falling asleep in the met- ro as they rode home or appeared as though they were barely sur- viving. It is difficult to master this city. One gets the impression that not everyone can live and survive here. Moscow gives a lot, but also leaves you free to eval- uate how much you can handle. Many overestimate themselves, so they suffer from being over- burdened and having an insatia- ble appetite. Underground Filled With Music And Poetry Every time I traverse the Mos- cow Metro I'm reminded of just how extravagant a project it is.
Hodajući kroz Moskvu, odjednom i na vas počne da se preliva vera i snaga da se svaka aždaja može ubiti / While walking through Moscow you suddenly find yourself overcome with strength and faith that every dragon can be slain
The idea occurred to someone for artists and archi- tects to bring to life the barren underground space of the metro and to construct subterranean galleries that enable passersby to stop and marvel. So, even though they are in a rush, at least they will run through beauty. Moscovites say that the metro's trains aren't there for transport, but in order for all that beauty to be seen. Each station has its own story. For exam- ple, the Mayakovskaya Station was arranged by ar- chitect Alexey Dushkin, who read Mayakovsky and listened to Prokofiev while working on this project, arranging the entire space under the inspiration of this music and poetry. Tea Like Nowhere Else In The World You may be confused by the fact that in Moscow, and in Russia generally, you won't be able to order tea in one simple move. Your “one mint tea, please” won't be enough for the waiter. You will be awaited by a mass of subsequent questions. Of course, everything will become clear when you smell in front of you Altai herbal tea infused with fresh mint leaves and pieces of sweet apple, lemon and orange rings, with hon- ey syrup and a few secret spices melting on the bot- tom of the teapot... I Will Always Return To Moscovites Both those from the past and the present, because Moscow – through its galleries, theatres, temples, historical museums and concert halls, through film – reminds me that “Beauty will save the world” (F.M. Dostoevsky).
Ruski stihovi U Beogradu sam imao premijeru novog autorskog projekta Naše veče , muzičko-poetske forme ko- ja ima muzički kvalitet koncerta i uzbuđenje dram- ske predstave. U ovaj program, koji mesečno izvo- dim u Kombank dvorani, pored dela naših najvećih pesnika, uvrstio sam stihove i Jesenjina, Okudžave, Simonova... Ceo taj repertoar počeo sam da pre- vodim na ruski, uključujući i muziku naših autora, jer znam da će se uskoro ukazati prilika da nastupim i pred ruskom publikom. RUSSIAN VERSES It was in Belgrade that I had the premiere performance of my new authorial project, Our Evening, a musical-poetic formulation that has the musical quality of a concert and the excitement of a dramatic play. In this programme, which I perform at Kombank Hall on a monthly basis, alongside our greatest poets, I have incorporated verses by Yesenin, Okudzhava, Simonov et al. I've started translating this entire repertoire into Russian, including the music of our authors, because I know that I will soon have an opportunity to also perform it in front of a Russian audience.
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