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AERODROM NIKOLA TESLA NIKOLA TESLA AIRPORT LETO U BROJKAMA SUMMER IN FIGURES Aerodrom „Nikola Tesla“ vam je 24 sata na raspolaganju. Letnji meseci za aerodrome su poseban izazov i veliko zadovoljstvo jer svakom aerodromu cilj su zadovoljni putnici i poslovni partneri. Brojevi i slike to najbolje pokazuju Nikola Tesla Airport is at your disposal 24 hours a day. For airports, the summer season is both a special challenge and a great pleasure, as having content passengers and business partners is the main goal. Figures and images present it the best.
4 kontinenta povezana su preko beogradskog aerodroma continents are connected through Belgrade Airport
Najprometniji jul u istoriji Aerodroma Nikola Tesla
The busiest July in the history of Nikola Tesla Airport
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