Elevate September 2018 | Air Serbia

Er Srbija u fokusu / Air Serbia close up


Promotivne aktivnosti Er Srbije



rošlog meseca počeo je sa radom Flaj terminal – štand za dodatne usluge

he “Fly Terminal” – ancillaries stand star- ted function at Belgrade Nikola Tesla Ai-

Er Srbije na beogradskom aerodromu. Pod- sećamo da na ovom štandu, sve do 6. ok- tobra, svi putnici mogu da se upoznaju sa dodatnim uslugama Er Srbije i kupe ih na licu mesta. Promociju i prodaju dodatnih usluga obavljaju nove kolege – promoteri, posebno obučeni za ovaj odgovoran posao. Svih šestoro diplomaca Vazduhoplovne aka- demije završilo je obuku za rad u Sejbr re- zervacionom sistemu i imali su trening za direktnu prodaju dodatnih usluga Er Sr- bije . Štand za dodatne usluge postavljen je ispred šaltera za prijavu na let Er Srbi- je zahvaljujući angažovanju naših službi: Dodatne usluge, ASGS, IT i marketing, i uz pomoć službi Aerodroma Nikola Tesla .

rport as of last month. All of our passengers will be able to use this stand to familiarise themselves with Air Serbia’s ancillary services. Until 6th Octo- ber 2018, all of our passengers will able to acqua- int themselves with Air Serbia’s ancillary services or purchase them on the spot. The promotion and sale of ancillaries is carried out by new colleagues – promoters who have been specially trained for this responsible job. All six Aviation Academy gra- duates have completed Sabre Reservation System training and have been trained for direct sales of Air Serbia ancillaries. The ancillary services stand is located in front of Air Serbia’s check-in counters, thanks to the engagement of Air Serbia’s Ancillary services, ASGS, IT and Marketing, and with the help of Nikola Tesla Airport services.

Pored već uobičajenih promotivnih akcija vikendom, Er Srbija redovno nudi posebne cene za različite destinacije i tako ispunjava očekivanja svojih gostiju i doprinosi njihovom zadovoljstvu na putovanju. Kupovina karata moguća je pozivanjem broja Er Srbija kol- centra 0800 111 528 (besplatni pozivi u okviru fiksne i mobilne telefonije Srbije), ili broja +381 11 311 21 23 za pozive iz inostranstva. Karte se mogu kupiti i u nekoj od poslovnica Er Srbije , preko veb-sajta www.airserbia.com ili kod ovlašćenih turističkih agenata.

Air Serbia

Promotional Campaigns

I n addition to the scheduled weekend promotions, Air Serbia also offers specially priced fares for its various destinations on a regular basis – another way of meeting the expectations of guests and improving their travel experience. Tickets can be purchased by calling Air Serbia’s Call Centre on 0800 111 528 (calls free of charge from Serbian landlines and mobile networks) or +381 11 311 21 23 (if calling from abroad), or by visiting Air Serbia’s official website www.airserbia.com or any




d 23. jula, na kioscima za samostalno prijavljivanje putnika na let, Er Srbija je


s of 23 rd July, Air Serbia has activated IATCI (Inter Airline through Check-In)

omogućila prijavljivanje putnika na vezane letove drugih avio-kompanija u okviru peri- oda od 24 sata. Er Srbija trenutno podržava prijavu na redovne ili kod-šer vezane letove sa više od 20 avio-kompanija, čime se putni- cima olakšava proces transfera na aerodro- mima naše mreže i čini prijavu na kioscima jednostavnom, a iskustvo putnika potpuni- jim. Takođe, aktivirana je mogućnost izbora lične karte kao putnog dokumenta na Web Check In . S obzirom na povećan broj putni- ka na letovima Er Srbije , pre svega iz zema- lja Evropske unije, ova funkcionalnost čini onlajn prijavu na let neuporedivo pristupač- nijom za putnike koji uglavnom koriste lič- nu kartu kao putni dokument.

at its Self-Service Kiosks. This function is acti- ve for connecting flights departing within 24 hours. Air Serbia currently supports IATCI wi- th over twenty other airlines (both codeshare and non-codeshare), thus easing the transfer process from flight to flight at outstations and rendering the self-check-in process simple and more complete. Moreover, the option of choosing an ID card as a travel document for Web Check-in has also been activated. Consi- dering the increased number of passengers on Air Serbia flights, primarily coming from European Union countries, this function ma- kes the online check-in option incomparably more accessible to passengers who mainly use their ID card as a travel document.

of Air Serbia’s offices or authorised travel agents.

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