Elevate September 2018 | Air Serbia

Agenda dobre zabave / Agenda of great fun


2CELLOS NA KALEMEGDANU 8. SEPTEMBRA Neverovatni, mladi i već uveli- ko slavni virtuozi na violončeli- ma, Luka Šulić i Stjepan Hauser, svetu poznatiji kao 2CELLOS , po- novo će doći u Beograd 8. sep- tembra 2018. i prirediti koncer- tni spektakl na otvorenom, na Kalemegdanu! U Beograd se vraćaju sa najnovijim albumom Score , koji je snimljen u Engle- skoj s Londonskim simfonijskim orkestrom. Ovog puta momci nam donose i neke nove stilo- ve, ali će, naravno, svirati i svet- ske melodije, kao i klasike na- pisane za savremene filmove i televiziju.

2CELLOS ON KALEMEGDAN, 8 TH SEPTEMBER The amazing, young and already-fa- mous virtuoso cellists Luka Šu- lić and Stjepan Hauser, more com- monly known around the world as 2CELLOS, will again arrive in Bel- grade on 8 th September 2018, whe- re they will stage an open-air con- cert in Kalemegdan fortress park! They return to Belgrade with their latest album,“Score”, which was re- corded in England with the London Symphony Orchestra. This time wi- ll also see these guys bring us some new styles, though they will of cour- se perform global melodies and cla- ssics written for contemporary films and television shows.


NARODNO POZORIŠTE POKLANJA KONCERT Povodom 150 godina od osnivanja Na- rodnog pozorišta u Beogradu, 15. sep- tembra u 19.30 časova, na otvorenom prostoru pored Save, u okviru Beogra - da na vodi , muzički ansambl nacional- nog teatra održaće koncert za pam- ćenje. Program ovog spektakla pod vedrim nebom, u ekskluzivnom ambi- jentu pored reke, sačinjavaće delovi iz operskih dela najznačajnijih svetskih autora. Ovo će biti svojevrsni poklon domaćoj publici, ljubiteljima muzike i svim gostima Beograda koji te večeri dođu na beogradsku obalu Save.

To commemorate the 150 th anniversary of the establishment of the National Theatre in Bel- grade, an unforgettable free concert of the musical ensemble of the National Theatre wi- ll be held on 15 th September at 7.30pm, in the open space beside the River Sava within the Belgrade Waterfront complex. The program- me of this open-air spectacle in an exclusive riverside ambience will comprise sections of the works of the world’s most significant aut- hors. This event will represent a kind of gift to the local public, music lovers and all guests of Belgrade visiting the bank of the Sava during that evening.

BALKAN TUBE FEST u Beogradu Balkan Tube Fest je festival posvećen fanovima Ju - tjub kulture i najpopularnijim jutjuberima na ovim prostorima. BTF predstavlja direktan susret Jutjub zvezda sa ovih prostora i njihovih fanova, kao i svo- jevrsnu reviju najboljih klipova u protekloj sezoni. BTF će biti održan 29. i 30. septembra u prostorijama Kombank dvorane na Trgu Nikole Pašića, u samom centru Beograda.

BALKAN TUBE FEST IN BELGRADE!! The Balkan Tube Fest is a festival devoted to fans of YouTube culture and the most popular Youtubers in this region. The Yo- uTube community has been growing exponentially in recent years, while the popularity enjoyed by some authors measu- res in the hundreds of thousands of subscribers. BTF will be held on 29 th and 30 th September in the premises of the Kom- bank Hall on Nikola Pašić Square, in the very centre of down- town Belgrade.

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