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POZNATI GOSTI ER SRBIJE / CELEBRATEDGUESTSOFAIRSERBIA OLGA DANILOVIĆ NA LETU ZA NJUJORK L etom JU 500 uzdanica srpskog te- nisa odletela je na grend slem tur- nir u SAD. Olga Danilović (17) ove godine na- OLGA DANILOVIĆ FLIES TO NEW YORK
pravila je istinski bum, pošto je zako- račila u seniorski tenis i odmah došla do titule, i to na veoma jakom turniru u Moskvi. Ova mlada i uspešna devoj- ka već je krenula dalje, ka novom iza- zovu i novom cilju – ka velikom Ju- Es openu . Naravno, direktnim letom Er Srbije za Njujork, ali ne pre nego što se odmorila i za let pripremila u Premijum salonu na Aerodromu Ni- kola Tesla . Pre ukrcavanja u avion Olgu su do- čekali zaposleni Er Srbije , čestitali joj na uspesima i poželeli joj sreću u Njujor- ku uz divnu, za tu priliku pripremljenu tortu. Olga, novo veliko ime svetskog tenisa, baš kao što i priliči šampionki, na svom Instagram profilu zahvalila je na poslastici koja je spremljena za nju, kao i na lepom druženju sa zapo- slenima iz Er Srbije . Olga Danilović je trenutno 109. te- niserka na WTA listi, nedavno je osvoji- la turnir u Moskvi, a Er Srbiju je odabra- la kao avio-kompaniju kojom će leteti odBeogradadoNjujorka.Čekamojeda se vrati sa novim pobedama!
Flying is better when you’re connected We are always online, and there’s no reason for that not to be the case while flying, especially if your flight duration exceeds one hour. Air Serbia offers its Wi-Fly service, which means that you can stay in touch even at 35,000 feet, whether you’re accessing the internet or using your mobile phone during a flight. … kad ste onlajn Svi smo uvek onlajn, pa nema razloga da tako ne bude i dok letimo, naročito ako let traje duže od jednog sata. Er Srbija nudi Wi-Fly uslugu, što znači da možete ostati na vezi na 35.000 stopa, bilo da koristite internet ili svoj mobilni telefon u toku leta.
O lga Danilović (17) this year caused a genuine sensation, by entering the world of senior tennis and immediately win- ning a title – and doing so at a very tough tournament in Mos- cow. This young, successful girl has already moved on, towards a new challenge and a new goal – the great U.S. Open. And, of course, she did so with Air Serbia’s direct flight to New York, but not before resting and preparing for the flight in the Premium Lounge of Nikola Tesla Airport. Before boarding the plane, Olga was awaited by Air Serbia staff, who congratulated her on her past successes and wished her luck in New York with a wonderful cake specially prepared for this occasion. The new big name of world tennis, just as champi- ons do, expressed thanks on her Instagram profile for the cake prepared for her, as well for the relaxed socialising with Air Ser- bia personnel. Olga is currently ranked 109 th on the WTA list. She recently won the tournament in Moscow and selected Air Serbia as the airline with which she would fly from Belgrade to New York. We await her return with new victories!
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