Rastko Janković, v. d. pomoćnika direktora Uprave za saradnju sa dijasporom i Srbima u regionu u Ministarstvu spoljnjih poslova Republike Srbije Rastko Janković, acting assistant director of the Directorate for Cooperation with the Diaspora and Serbs in the Region within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia
ZVUCI SRBIJE U KARNEGI HOLU J edinstveni tonovi srpske izvorne muzike ispuniće njujorški Karnegi hol 24. septembra. Koncertom Zvuci Srbije publi- ci će se predstaviti srpski umetnici koji žive i stvaraju u Njujor- ku. Prisutni će uživati u nastupima tradicionalne ženske vo- kalne grupe ROSA, džez pevačice Alme Mićić, džez gitariste Raleta Mićića, pijanista Jasne Popović i Đorđa Nešića, bubnja- ra Marka Đorđevića, dok će đakon Jovan Aničić izvesti Mo- kranjčeve rukoveti. T he unique tones of authentic Serbian music will fill New York’s Carnegie Hall on 24 th September. The “Sounds of Serbia” concert will present to the audience Serbian artists who live and create in New York. Attendees will en- joy the performances of the traditional female vocal group ROSA, jazz singer Alma Mićić, jazz guitarist Rale Mićić, pianists Jasna Popović and Đorđe Nešić, drummer Marko Đorđević, while deacon Jovan Aničić will perform Mokran- jac’s rukoveti. SOUNDS OF SERBIA IN CARNEGIE HALL Tekst / Words: Nevena Dimitrijević Fotografije / Photography: Milan Ilić
- Our wish is to use the medium of spiritual, original, traditionally per- formed songs, their jazz interpretations and works of Serbian composers from the 20 th and 21 st centuries to better familiarise our American audience with the culture of our country, and for members of the Serbian community to con-
– Želja nam je da kroz duhovne, izvorne, tradicionalno izve- dene pesme, njihove džez interpretacije i dela srpskih kompozi- tora 20. i 21. veka američka publika bolje upozna kulturu naše
države, a da pripadnici srpske zajedni- ce i dalje čuvaju svoj nacionalni i kultur- ni identitet. Učesnici su istinski virtuozi. Oni će za svoju zemlju nastupiti bez ikak- ve nadoknade i hvala im na tome – kaže Rastko Janković, koji vodi Sektor za po- slovnu saradnju i lokalno povezivanje sa dijasporom i Srbima u regionu, unapre- đenje kulturnih, prosvetno-obrazovnih i drugih vidova saradnje. On dodaje i da je ovaj događaj ugo- voren još prošle godine jer je čuveni Kar- negi hol potrebno rezervisati mesecima unapred. Uz to, prioritet Sektora za saradnju
tinuing preserving their national and cul- tural identity. The participants are genu- ine virtuosos. They will perform for their country without any compensation, and I thank them for that,” says Rastko Jank- ović, who heads the Directorate for Co- operation with the Diaspora and Serbs in the Region, through the promotion of cultural, educational and other forms of cooperation. He adds that this event was actual- ly agreed last year, because it is neces- sary to book performances at the famous Carnegie Hall many months in advance. Alongside this, the priority of the Direc-
Karnegi hol u Njujorku Carnegie hall in New York
sa dijasporom jeste očuvanje srpskog jezika i ćirilice u dijaspo- ri i regionu, prvenstveno obogaćivanjem nastavnog fonda do- punskih škola i biblioteka. Samo u proteklih nekoliko godina tim ustanovama poslato je oko 30.000 knjiga. Osim ovog višegodišnjeg projekta, nesumnjivo su važni i brojni događaji, poput koncerta Zvuci Srbije , koje organizuje taj sektor. Tako svet najbolje upoznaje našu kulturu, a naši ljudi u svetu neguju veze sa svojim korenima.
torate for Cooperation with the Diaspora is to preserve the Serbian language and Cyrillic script in the diaspora and the region, primarily by enriching the curriculum fund of supplementary schools and libraries. In the past few years alone, these institutions have received around 30,000 books. Alongside this multi-year project, numerous other events organised by this Directorate, such as the“Sounds of Serbia”concerts, are undoubtedly also important. That’s because this is the best way to acquaint the world with our culture, and for our people living elsewhere in the world to cherish their roots.
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