njujork u fokusu / new york in focus
šta karta. Ako vas tema predstave ne dotiče posebno, uvek se možete diviti multitalentovanim umetnicima, kosti- mima, scenografiji, koreografiji. Brod- vej broji četrdesetak profesionalnih pozorišta koja se nalaze između 39. i 66. ulice na Menhetnu i imaju više od 500 sedišta. Postoje i manja pozorišta, takozvani of-Brodvej, i ona najmanja, poznata kao of-of-Brodvej. Ukupno ih ima više stotina, pa fraza „ponešto za svačiji ukus“ ovde ima smisla. Od klasika kao što je Fantom iz opere , preko Harija Potera i Aladina , do rep mjuzikla Hamilton o Aleksan- dru Hamiltonu i očevima američke nacije, svaka predstava je posebna. Pri izboru obratite pažnju na to ko su dobitnici nagrade Toni , ekvivalenta Oskaru u svetu Brodveja. Svake sezo- ne tu se okušaju i poznata holivudska lica – između ostalih i Hju Džekmen, Metju Broderik, Forest Vitaker, Den- zel Vošington, koji je nedavno izjavio da će na Brodveju i završiti karijeru. Samu aveniju Brodvej, kojoj skup pozorišta duguje ime, opisao je 1868. godine Edvard Vinslou Martin u svom radu Tajne velikog grada . On kaže: „Najlepša ulica na svetu je Brodvej. Prostire se celom dužinom ostrva. Ali njeni najatraktivniji delovi su između Zelene kuglane i 34. ulice.“ Avenija je iz doba kad su Njujorkom gazdo- vali Holanđani, a grad se zvao Novi Amsterdam. Služila je Indijancima kao prečica za prelazak preko celog ostrva, a danas je jedina avenija koja dijagonalno seče ortogonalno uređe- ni Menhetn. Duga je više od 50 kilo- metara, prolazi kroz Bronks i zavr- šava se u okrugu Vestčester. Na njoj se nalazi i Tajms skver, najpoznatiji trg na svetu. Avenija Brodvej poznata je i po nekoliko prelepih građevina. Jedna od njih je Apthorp , završena 1908, u stilu italijanske renesanse. Apthorp je stambena zgrada sa unutrašnjim dvo- rištem koje predstavlja pravu malu ur- banu džunglu. Rouzi O’Donel i Sindi Loper neki su od njenih slavnih sta- nara. Još jedan arhitektonski biser je Vulvort , zgrada koja je 1913, kada je sa- zidana, sa svojih 60 spratova bila naj- viša u Njujorku. Za neka pozorišta kažu da su op- sednuta duhovima, kao Novi Amster- dam i Belasko . Sve i da pravih duhova nema, među ovim zgradama i ulica- ma i te kako se oseća prisustvo Džudi Garland, Frenka Sinatre, Džerija Luisa i drugih vanvremenskih zvezda koji- ma je Brodvej bio dom.
erick, Forest Whitaker and Denzel Washing- ton, who recently announced that he will end his acting career on Broadway. Broadway Avenue itself, to which the theatre district owes its name, was described by Edward Winslow Martin in his 1868 work The Secrets OfThe Great City. He wrote:“The most wonderful street in the world is Broad- way. It extends … the whole length of the is- land. But its most attractive features are be- tween the Bowling Green and Thirty-fourth Street”. The avenue dates back to the peri- od when New York was ruled by the Dutch and the city was called New Amsterdam. It served the native American population as a shortcut to cross the entire peninsula, while today it is the only avenue to diagonally dis- sect the orthogonally arranged Manhattan. Over 50 kilometres long, it runs through the Bronx and ends in Westchester County. It is also home to Times Square – the world’s most famous square. Broadway is also famous for sever- al beautiful buildings. One of them is The Apthorp, which was completed in 1908, in the Italian Renaissance style. The Apthorp is a residential building with an inner courtyard that represents a genuine mini urban jungle. Among its famous tenants are Rosie O’Don- nell and Cyndi Lauper. Another architectural gem is the Woolworth Building, which was completed in 1913 when – with its 60 floors - it was the tallest edifice in New York. Some theatre buildings are also ar- chitecturally interesting, such as the Vene- tian-Renaissance style Booth Theatre or the Al Hirschfeld Theatre in the style of a Byzan- tine temple with the Moorish arches. Some theatres are even said to be haunted, such as the New Amsterdam and Belasco the- atres. Even if there are no real ghosts, be- tween these buildings and streets one can certainly feel the presence of the spirits of Judy Garland, Frank Sinatra, Jerry Lewis and other timeless stars who made Broadway their home.
Some theatres are even said to be haunted, probably because between these buildings and streets one can feel the presence of the spirits of Judy Garland, Frank Sinatra, Jerry Lewis and other timeless stars who made Broadway their home Među ovim zgradama i ulicama još se oseća prisustvo Džudi Garland, Frenka Sinatre, Džerija Luisa i drugih vanvremenskih zvezda kojima je Brodvej bio dom
ed to have spent the 80 or so dollars that a ticket costs. If you’re not particularly interest- ed in the themes addressed by a play, you can always admire multitalented artists, cos- tumes, scenery and choreography. Broadway has over forty professional theatres situated between Manhattan’s 39 th and 66 th streets, eachofwhichhasover500seats.Thereareal- so smaller theatres, so-called“off-Broadway”, as well as the smallest ones known as“off-off- Broadway”. There are hundreds of them in total, so here the phrase“Something to suit everyone’s taste”makes sense here. That’s also why it’s very difficult in New York to choose which Broadway show to watch. However, if you do find yourself in Manhattan, don’t miss out on being among the 13 million people who see a show annu- ally. From classics like The Phantom of the Opera, via Harry Potter and Aladdin, all the way to the rap musical Hamilton, about Alex- ander Hamilton and other founding fathers of the American nation, every show is spe- cial in its own right. When choosing, check out the winners of the Tony Award, which is the equivalent to an Oscar in the Broadway world. Also performing here every season are renowned Hollywood stars – including the likes of Hugh Jackman, Matthew Brod-
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