Andrić je 30 godina voleo ženu koju nije mogao da ima Andrić spent 30 years loving a woman he couldn’t have
Leteti je lepše…
Flying is better beside the window Nothing beats watching the sky and clouds while you fly, which is why most people like to sit next to the window. Don’t miss out on this enjoyment! Select your seat in advance! Selecting or changing your desired seat is possible at any time until the completion of all bookings for a flight. … kad ste pored prozora Nema ništa lepše od posmatranja neba i oblaka dok letite. Upravo zato većina ljudi voli da sedi pored prozora, pa nemojte da to uživanje bude van vaše kontrole. Izaberite svoje sedište! Odabir ili promena željenog sedišta je moguća u bilo kom trenutku do kompletiranja prijave na let.
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