Elevate September 2017 | Air Serbia

Er Srbija u fokusu / Air Serbia close up


Kod-šer partnerstva nastavila su značajno da doprinose poslova- nju i dobrim rezultati- ma Er Srbije u 2016. go- dini sa 26,7 miliona evra, što predstavlja povećanje od 24 odsto u odnosu na 2015. godinu (21,5 milio- na evra). Ovome su do- prineli novi kod-šer spo- razumi, koje je kompanija potpisala sa avio-kom- panijama Er Sejšels i Montenegro erlajns , što je dovelo do povećanja ukupnog broja partner- stava na ukupno 19, kao i jačanje postojećih kod- šer sporazuma.

ir Serbia, the national airline of the Republic of Serbia, achieved a net profit for the third consecutive year in 2016. The Belgrade-based carrier recorded a net profit of €0.9 million during 2016, which saw the historic launch of transat- lantic flights to New York and the deliv- ery of Air Serbia’s first wide-body aircraft, an Airbus A330. Total operating revenues reached €320 million in 2016, representing year- on-year growth of five per cent over 2015 (€305 million). These results were coupled with an in- crease in passenger numbers, which rose to 2.62 million (up 3 per cent), and total cargo uplift, which grew to 4,913 tonnes (up 31 per cent). The highlight of the year came on

23 rd June when Air Serbia introduced non-stop flights between Bel- grade and New York, reconnecting Serbia and the U.S. after a break of more than two decades. Prior to that day, the last flight operated by a Serbian carrier to North America was in 1992. Codeshare partnerships continued to make a strong contribution to the business in 2016, adding €26.7 million to Air Serbia’s top-line results, a significant increase of 24 per cent over 2015 (€21.5 million). This was driven by the carrier signing new codeshare agree- ments with airlines including Air Seychelles and Montenegro Air- lines, bringing the total number of partnerships to 19, as well as strengthening existing codeshare deals. - We are pleased to have recorded a net profit of close to €1 mil- lion in 2016 despite considerable investment in our operations. This year our focus is on strengthening our commercial results, improv- ing the efficiency of our operations and maintaining our focus on cost control and balance sheet discipline - said Dane Kondić, Chief Executive Officer of Air Serbia, adding: - Earlier in 2017 we moved to Sabre for our reservations and check-in systems, which enabled Air Serbia to introduce new per- sonalised services and drive incremental revenue, and at the same time unlocked an incredible potential to digitise our services. On the fleet side, we have recently refitted our narrow-body Airbus A319 and A320 fleet with 1,500 new Recaro seats, increasing ca- pacity across our short-haul network and making Air Serbia more competitive as a result. The competitive landscape is changing rapidly, not only as a result of the greater number of airlines fly-

– Zadovoljni smo što smo zabeležili neto pro- fit od blizu milion evra u 2016. godini i pored zna- čajnih investicija u naše poslovanje. Ove godi- ne usmereni smo na jačanje naših komercijalnih rezultata, unapređenje efikasnosti našeg poslo- vanja, kao i na kontrolu troškova i stabilnost bi- lansa stanja. Početkom 2017. prešli smo na Sabre sistem za rezervacije i prijavljivanja na let, koji je omogućio Er Srbiji da uvede nove personalizova- ne usluge i podstakne povećanje prihoda, pruža- jući istovremeno značajan potencijal za digitali- zaciju naših usluga – kaže generalni direktor Er Srbije Dane Kondić i dodaje: – Nedavno smo preuredili i našu flotu usko- trupnih aviona erbas A319 i A320 sa 1.500 no- vih rekaro sedišta povećavši kapacitet širom naše mreže letova na kratkim linijama, a rezul- tat toga je veća konkurentnost Er Srbije . Kon- kurentsko okruženje se brzo menja, ne samo usled većeg broja avio-kompanija koje lete ka našem matičnom aerodromu u Beogradu već i zbog većeg broja alternativnih sekundarnih aerodroma u region – ističe Kondić naglaša- vajući da bi za postizanje pozitivnih rezultata i u budućnosti kompanija morala da nastavi

• Serbian flag carrier records net profit of €0.9 million in 2016 • Total operating re- venue grows five per cent to €320 million • Codeshare revenue increases 24 per cent to €26.7 million • Significant operati- onal growth in 2016 despite the challenges of rapidly evolving in- dustry

da odgovara zahtevima tr- žišta i da se prilagođava. – S jedne strane, to zna- či da iskoristimo naše in- vesticije u tehnologiju da bismo ostvarili prihod i ponudili putnicima veći izbor, dok s druge strane istovremeno poslujemo uspešnije i efikasnije da bismo smanjili troškove. Mi imamo jasne komer- cijalne smernice i snažno smo usmereni na ostvari- vanje naših poslovnih cilje- va koje su utvrdili strateški partneri, Vlada Republike Srbije i Etihad ervejz – za- ključuje Dane Kondić.

ing to our hub in Belgrade, but also from the growth of alternative secondary air- ports in the region – said Kondić, empha- sising that in order to ensure the compa- ny continues to deliver positive results in the future, it must maintain the abili- ty to respond and to continue to make the necessary adjustments. - This includes leveraging our invest- ment in technology to drive revenue and offer the customer more choice, whilst ensuring we work more efficiently and effectively to reduce our cost base. We have a clear commercial mandate and are keenly focused on achieving our business targets, as set out by both of our share- holders, the Government of the Repub- lic of Serbia and Etihad Airways – said CEO Kondić.

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