Alitalija je treća kompanija u svetu kad je u pitanju stizanje aviona na vreme Alitalia ranks tenth in the world when
litalija je zauzela treće mesto u Evropi, a deseto u svetu ka- da je u pitanju tačnost stizanja
aviona u prva dva kvartala 2017. godi- ne, i to prema oceni nezavisnog ame- ričkog servisa podataka FlightStats ( specijalizovanog za civilno vazduhoplovstvo. Prema nji- hovim podacima, čak 84 odsto letova Alitalije stizalo je na vreme od janua- ra do juna ove godine. Najveća italijanska avio-kompa- nija rangirana je na trećem mestu u Evropi iza Iberije i Ostrijan erlajn- sa , a iza sebe je ostavila čak tri evrop- ska giganta – Britiš ervejs , Lufthanzu i Er Frans . Takođe je na desetom me- stu u celom svetu ispred nekih veli- kih američkih kompanija. Ovo je veliki napredak u odno- su na prethodne dve godine. Budući da je Alitalija imala preko 93.000 le- tova u prvoj polovini 2017. godine, to znači da je čak 1.000 letova više nego u ovom periodu prošle godine stizalo tačno na vreme.
it comes to punctuality
litalia has been ranked as the third most punctual airline in Europe and tenth in the world in the first two
with higher scores than the three biggest European carriers - British Airways (82%), Lufthansa (80%) and Air France (78%). Ali- talia ranks tenth in the world ahead of the main U.S. carriers! This is a major improve- ment compared to the past two years. Con- sidering that Alitalia has operated over 93,000 flights in the first two quarters of 2017, the improvement means that almost 1,000 flights more have arrived on time compared to the same period last year.
quarters of 2017, according to the report published by FlightStats (, the U.S. independent data services society specialised in commercial aviation. Accord- ing to the chart, 84 per cent of Alitalia flights arrived on schedule from January to June. The largest airline in Italy ranks third in Europe – behind Iberia and Austrian Airlines,
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