Elevate September 2017 | Air Serbia


Berlin Počinje najveći Sajam tehnike

Berlin Biggest technical fair opens

The IFA consumer electronics fair, which takes place in Berlin from 1 st to 6 th September, is bigger than ever this year, according to organisers. The emphasis of this year’s fair is on virtual reality and innovative technical devices that show how our lives and work will look in the future. Famous companies from around the world will not miss this event, because the IFA is one of Europe’s most important trade fairs. This is best illustrated by the fact that last year’s fair alone saw agreements reached on deals worth more than $4.9 billion.

Sajam potrošačke elektronike, IFA, koji će se održati u Berlinu od 1. do 6. septembra, biće veći nego ikad, najavili su organizatori. Naglasak ovogodišnjeg sajma biće na virtuelnoj stvarnosti i inovativnim tehničkim uređajima, koji će pokazati kako će nam izgledati život i rad u budućnosti. Poznate svetske kompanije ne propuštaju ovaj događaj jer je IFA jedan od najvažnijih poslovnih sajmova u Evropi. To najbolje pokazuje činjenica da su samo prošle godine na sajmu dogovoreni poslovi vredni više od 4,9 milijardi dolara.

Er Srbija leti 8 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Berlin

Air Serbia flies 8 times a week from Belgrade to Berlin

Milano Izložba o Gustavu Klimtu U Muzeju moderne umetnosti u

Milan Exhibition of Gustav Klimt

Milan’s Museum of Modern Art is currently presenting a multimedia exhibition dedicated to the works of the Austrian painter Gustav Klimt, with the centenary of his death to be commemorated next year. The exhibition does not present the artist’s paintings on canvas, but is rather a multimedia presentation of Klimt’s pieces with his photographs on the walls of the museum, accompanied by the ambient reciting of poems and music. Klimt was an Austrian painter and one of the founders of the Vienna Secession. The exhibition runs until 7 th January next year. London Luxury hotel for cats A luxury hotel for cats has opened in Norbury, southwest London, boasting six apartments and a private yard where they can prowl and enjoy themselves to their hearts’ content. The hotel’s menu is tailored to cater for the needs of each cat, while they can also enjoy spa treatments, which include relaxing paw massages. This is the fifteenth hotel for cats from the Longcroft Luxury group, and the demand for such hotels is best illustrated by the fact that many owners book accommodation for their cats months in advance. Thus, some of them already know where they will spend Christmas.

Milanu u toku je multimedijalna izložba posvećena delima austrijskog slikara Gustava Klimta, čija će 100. godišnjica smrti biti obeležena naredne godine. Na izložbi nisu predstavljena platna umetnika, već je to multimedijalna predstava Klimtovih dela sa njegovim fotografijama na zidovima muzeja uz recitovanje pesama i muziku. Gustav Klimt je bio austrijski slikar i jedan od osnivača bečke secesije, a izložba je otvorena do 7. januara naredne godine.

Er Srbija leti 7 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Milano

Air Serbia flies 7 times a week from Belgrade to Milan

London Luksuzni hotel za mačke

U mestu Norburi, u jugozapadnom Londonu, otvoren je luksuzni hotel za mačke koji ima šest apartmana sa privatnim dvorištem u kojem mačke mogu da šetaju i uživaju do mile volje. U hotelu se jelovnik prilagođava potrebama svake mace, a one mogu da uživaju i u spa tretmanu, koji uključuje opuštajuću masažu šapa. To je 15. hotel za mačke iz grupe Longcroft Luxury , a koliko su ovi hoteli traženi, najbolje ilustruje činjenica da mnogi u njima smeštaj za mace rezervišu mesecima unapred. Tako neke od njih već sad znaju gde će provesti Božić.

Er Srbija leti 9 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za London

Air Serbia flies 9 times a week from Belgrade to London

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