Intervju: Žan-Pol Munik, Inkognito / Interview: Jean-Paul Maunick, Incognito
Moja prva sećanja vezana su za muziku na plažama Mauricijusa i ljude koji plešu na pesku Listening to music on the beaches of Mauritius and seeing people dance were my earliest memories
sko sam sarađivao sa Mariom Bjon- dijem, on ima glas koji je inspiraci- ja za svakog autora, a osim toga je zaista drag prijatelj. Ima mnogo lju- di koje cenim i s kojima sam radio, ali ako baš moram da izaberem, re- kao bih da mi je omiljen Čaka Kan. S Inkognitom ste stvarali isto- riju, bili ste pioniri žanra. Ko vam je bio inspiracija na po- četku? – Želeo sam da napravim gru- pu u kojoj se čuju duvači, perkusi- je i glasovi nakon što sam sedam- desetih godina slušao Earth Wind & Fire, Kool & The Gang i Tower Of Power . Taj džez fank vajb stigao je zahvaljujući muzičarima kao što su Ronnie Laws, Lonnie Liston Smith, Roy Ayers, Donald Byr i Blackbyrds . Na kompozicije i produkciju, s druge strane, uticali su Stevie Wonder, The Isley Brothers, The Mizell Brothers, The Average White Band, Heatwave (Rod Temperton), Quincy Jones, Her- bie Hancock i Rufus & Chaka Khan. Kako je vaše detinjstvo utica- lo na ono što ste postali i postigli? – Moja prva sećanja vezana su za muziku na plažama Mauricijusa i lju- de koji plešu na pesku. Oduševljen time što sam video i čuo, napravio sam instrument od praznih konzer- vi i kutija i odmah napravio grupu pokazujući prijateljima koji ritam da udaraju. Bio sam vođa benda, a nije
mi bilo ni punih osam godina! Gitaru sam kupio kad mi je bi- lo 11, i to od novca koji sam za- radio radeći u fabrici za prera- du cvekle. Oduvek sam znao da će muzika biti prisutna u mom životu i, naravno, da ću imati svoj bend! Smatrate da je koncert uspeo kad… – Kad vidim osmehe. Želim da se ljudi osećaju na mom kon- certu kao ja kada sam kao ti- nejdžer bio na koncertima ben-
for any author. He is a dear friend! Well, there are a lot, but I would have to say my favorite one was with Chaka Khan. You created history with Incog- nito, as pioneers of a genre. But who were your influencers pri- or to that? - I was inspired to have a group that includes horns, per- cussion and voices after seeing Earth, Wind & Fire, Kool & The Gang and Tower of Power in the 1970s. The Jazz Funk edge came from lis-
dova Earth Wind & Fire , Kool & The Gang ili Tower Of Power . Uzbuđeni, inspirisani, radosni! U jednom intervjuu ste rekli da živite svoj san. Da li je to još uvek istina? Ima li, uopšte, život muzičara koji je stalno na putu neke strane koje baš ne volite? – Da, istina je i sada živim svoj san. Inspirišu me životna putovanja i bogatstvo avantura koje su deo mo- je svakodnevice. Ali naporno radim kao i svi drugi. Možda živim svoj san ali san nije uvek isplativ, a kao i osta- li ljudi na planeti, i ja moram da pla- tim račune! Šta biste poručili svojim fano- vima u Srbiji? – Želimo da vas vidimo kako se smešite i plešete uz našu muziku. Haj- de da zajedno stvorimo čaroliju!
tening and dancing in clubs to the likes of Ronnie Laws, Lonnie Liston Smith, Roy Ayers and Donald Byrd and the Black- byrds. The composition and production influences came from Stevie Wonder, The Isley Brothers, The Mizell Brothers, The Average White Band, Heatwave (Rod Temperton) Quincy Jones, Herbie Han- cock and Rufus & Chaka Khan. How did your childhood influence your subsequent creativity? - Listening to music on the beaches of Mauritius and seeing people dance were my earliest memories. Influenced by what I saw and heard, I made in- struments from empty cans and box- es and created a band, teaching my friends what rhythms to play. I was al- ready a band leader before my 8 th birth- day. I bought my first guitar when I was 11 with money I earned working in a beetroot pickling factory. I always knew that I was going to have a band and that music was going to be a con- stant in my life. You consider a concert to be a suc- cess when… - I see smiles. I want people to leave feeling like I did as a teenager who had just seen Earth, Wind & Fire, Kool & The Gang or Tower of Power - uplifted, in- spired and joyous! You said in one interview that you are living your dream. Is that still the truth and does a musician’s life on the road have a side that you don’t like? - It is still true! I am inspired by life’s journey and the richness of my adven- tures. I work hard for the same reasons most of us work hard... I may be living the dream, but the dream does not al- ways recompense you financially and, like most folks on the planet, I have bills to pay! What would you like to say to your fan base in Serbia? - We want to see you smile and dance to our music. Let’s make mag- ic together!
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