Tekst / Words: Sofija Kuzmanović, Jelena Isaković, Jelena Pantović Fotografije / Photography: iStock, Profimedia BELGIJA BELGIUM
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R ene Magrit, jedan od najznačajnijih slikara 20. veka i jedna od najvažni- jih ličnosti nadrealističkog pokreta, dobio je svoj muzej u Briselu 2009. godi- ne kada ga je svečano inaugurisao belgij- ski kralj Alber Drugi. Magritov muzej na- lazi se u samom centru Brisela, nedaleko od Gran plasa, jednog od najlepših evrop- skih trgova. Magritov neponovljivi stil i originalnost ideja čine ga jednim od de- set najpoznatijih slikara sveta. Svoja de- la je opisivao rečima: „Ona su vidljivi pri- zori koji ništa ne skrivaju; ona izazivaju misteriju i, kada ih neko posmatra, pomi- sli: ’Šta ovo znači?’ Ne znači ništa, jer ni misterija ne znači ništa, ona se ne mo- že spoznati.“
T rebalo je da, poput Ajfelove kule, posluži samo kao ponu- da Belgije na prvoj Svetskoj izložbi Pogled na svet – no - vi humanizam , prvoj posle Drugog svetskog rata, održa- noj u Briselu. Ali te 1958, baš kao i kuli u Parizu davne 1889, bilo mu je suđeno da postane zaštitni znak svog grada. Monumen- talni Atomijum projektovao je inženjer Andre Vaterkejn. Izgra- đen je za 18 meseci i završen samo sat vremena pre zvaničnog otvaranja izložbe. Visok 102 metra, čine ga povezane sfere od nerđajućeg čelika koje formiraju oblik molekula kristala gvož- đa uvećanog 165 milijardi puta. Sastoji se od devet blistavih ku- gli prečnika 20 metara koje bestežinski lebde, a šest je dostu- pno za posetioce. Like the Eiffel Tower, it was only supposed to serve as Bel- gium’s offer at the World Exhibition under the title View of the World – New Humanism, the first to be staged after World War II, held in Brussels. But in 1958, just like for the tower in Paris way back in 1889, it was destined to become a landmark of its city. The monumental Atomium was designed by the engineer André Waterkeyn. Constructed in 18 months, it was completed just an hour before the official opening of the Exhibition. Standing at 102 metres tall, it is composed of connected stainless steel spheres, which form the shape of an iron crystal molecule magnified 165 billion times. It consists of nine sparkling balls with a diameter of 20 metres each that seemingly levitate freely, six of which are available to visitors.
René Magritte, one of the most signif- icant painters of the 20 th century and one of the most important figures in the sur- realist movement, received his own mu- seum in Brussels in 2009, which was for- mally inaugurated by the Belgian King Alber II. Magritte’s Museum is located in the very centre of Brussels, not far from Grand Place, one of Europe’s most beauti- ful city squares. Magritte’s inimitable style and the originality of his ideas make him one of the world’s ten most famous paint- ers. He described his work by saying:“They are visible images which conceal noth- ing; they evoke mystery and this simple question, ‘What does that mean?’ It does not mean anything, because mystery means nothing, it is unknowable.”
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