Elevate September 2017 | Air Serbia





N ajromantičniji grad u Belgiji. Jedan od najfotogeničnijih na svetu, severna Venecija, kako ga još zovu. Bajkovit grad koji remeti samo jedno – mnogo turista. Zato je dobro posetiti ga sredinom nedelje. Slikajte se: Za najspektakularniju fotografiju popnite se uz 366 stepenika gradskog tornja Belfort na glavnom trgu. Kad čujete muziku, nemojte se iznenaditi – zvona ne zvone, već sviraju. Posetite: Bazilika Svete krvi je zdanje u kome se čuva ni manje ni više nego Isusova krv, doneta s jednog od krstaških pohoda. Svakog dana u određeno doba vernici mogu da je dodirnu ili po- ljube. Još jedno sveto mesto, za ljubitelje Mikelanđela pre sve- ga, jeste Crkva naše Gospe, u kojoj se nalazi jedino Mikelanđe- lovo delo koje je tokom njegovog života smešteno van Italije – Madona i dete . Pogledajte: U Belfriju, najprestižnijoj zgradi u Brižu, nalazi se stalna postavka Salvadora Dalija, kolekcija grafika, skulptura, akvarela, crteža kakva se retko viđa u drugim muzejima, sme- štena u audio-vizuelni i dramatičan dekor da bi predstavila Dali- jev karakter i viziju. Međutim, tu je na domaćem terenu Jan van Ajk, čija dela možete videti u Groeninge muzeju. Probajte: Goveđi gulaš u pivu (carbonade a la flamanade) i čo- koladu, koja ovde ima i svoj muzej.

S vako italijansko selo ima svoju recepturu za maslinovo ulje, svako francusko svoj vinograd, a svako belgijsko – autentičnu čokolateriju. Recepti se prenose s generaci- je na generaciju, jer najveći udeo u proizvodnji belgijske čo- kolade nemaju veliki proizvođači, već male porodične radnje u kojima se čokolada pravi ručno. Međutim, ma ko da je proi- zvodi, mora da poštuje zakon iz 1884. po kome nijedna čoko- lada ne sme da sadrži manje od 30 procenata čistog kakaoa. Kad smo već kod istorije, praline su izmišljene u Belgiji, i to davne 1912. Pa se vi sad čudite zašto je ova čokolada najbo- lja na svetu! Probajte: S brendovima Leonidas, Neuhaus, Marry, Wittamer nema promašaja. See: In the Belfry, Bruges’ most prestigious building, there is a per- manent exhibition of the works of Salvador Dali, with a collection of graphic prints, sculptures, watercolours and drawings, located in an audio-visual and dramatic décor to represent Dali’s charac- ter and vision. However, this is the home territory of Jan van Eyck, whose works can be seen in the Groeningemuseum . Try: Flemish beef stew in beer (Carbonnade à la Flamande) and chocolate, which even has its own museum here. The most romantic city in Belgium and one of the world’s most photogenic, it is still referred to as the northern Venice. A fairy-tale city that is only spoiled by one thing – a lot of tourists. That’s why it’s good to visit it during the middle of the week. Take a picture : For the most spectacular photo, climb the 366 steps of the Belfry Tower on the main square. When you hear mu- sic, don’t be surprised: here bells are not rung, but rather played. Visit: The Basilica of the Holy Blood is a building in which the blood of no less than Jesus himself is preserved, brought back from one of the Crusades. Every day at a certain time, believers can touch or kiss it. Another sacred place, primarily for lovers of Michelangelo, is the Church of Our Lady, which contains Michel- angelo’s sculpture of the Madonna and Child. Every Italian village has its own recipe for olive oil, each French village has its own vineyard, and every Belgian village has its own authentic chocolatier. Recipes are transferred from generation to generation, because the greatest share of Bel- gian chocolate production is not among large manufacturers, but rather small family workshops where chocolate is made by hand. However, whoever produces it must comply with the 1884 law specifying that no chocolate may contain less than 30% pure cacao. While we’re already discussing history, it is worth noting that the praline was also invented in Belgium, way back in 1912. Now you can wonder why this chocolate is the world’s best! Try: With the brands Leonidas, Neuhaus, Marry and Wittamer you can make no mistake.







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