for the Mauritshuis royal gallery. A genuine treasure trove, it boasts works by Dutch, Flemish, French and German artists, predominantly from the collection of Dutch King William of Orange. Here you can al- so see portraits by Rembrandt, but also his Anatomy Lesson. Lovers of history will also enjoy the view of the Peace Palace, the seat of the International Tribunal, with lavish gardens and an interior that are open to visitors, as well as the Palatine Park (Paleistuin), a roman- tic corner behind the Royal Palace, where local people often go to en- joy a picnic in nature. Typical Dutch architecture of narrow buildings and pointed roofs are not lacking in this city, but red façades hide the most luxurious haute couture brands. For adventurers desir- ing magical sunsets and spectac- ular views, there is Scheveningen, the coastal area of The Hague. Just a few bus stops away from the city centre, it offers walks along the promenade beside a wide sandy beach. There you can ride a pano- ramic big wheel and see that The Hague is far more than just the ad- ministrative centre of the Neth- erlands. TRY GRILLED HERRING If the hot dog is a symbol of Amer- ican culture, then herring in a bun is a trademark of the Dutch. Small mobile huts are almost unavoida- ble. The garnish is very modest, but
spicy enough alongside this snack from the North Sea – onion, lemon and parsley. A portion of this speci- ality costs around 4 euros. DON’T MISS IN SEPTEMBER OPEN DOOR DAY World War II bunkers are locat- ed in Scheveningen. On the annu- al open door day, on 3 rd Septem- ber, from 11am to 4pm, volunteers tell visitors about the lives of sol- diers in a completely realistic envi- ronment. DELFT - PORCELAIN MAGIC For Delft, a wonderful town near The Hague, time should be set aside. Not only because it’s Ver- meer’s birthplace, but because it is the cradle of all porcelain souve-
At first glance it seems to be a slightly boring centre of trade and business. Modern buildings, a se- ries of tall office buildings resem- bling those of New York’s panora- ma, frame just a small piece of sky, which can hardly be seen when you take in the view... And yet, through the narrow streets, as you walk past rush- ing people in suits and on bikes, a completely different view opens up. The big square with corner cafés and the central figure of the king is the only announcement that this is the royal capital, which at its core preserves the history of the Netherlands. Just such a scene appears before the Binnenhof, the royal summer- house complex beside a small lake, in front of which flags flutter with Vermeer’s famous painting Girl with a Pearl Earring. That’s the sign
Ako je hot-dog simbol kulture ame- ričke kulture, onda je haringa u ki- fli zaštitni znak Holanđana. Pokret- ne kućice gotovo se ne mogu izbeći. Prilog vrlo skroman, ali dovoljno pi- kantan uz ovaj zalogaj iz Severnog mora – luk, limun i peršun. Porcija ovog specijaliteta staje oko 4 evra. U SEPTEMBRU DAN OTVORENIH VRATA Bunkeri iz Drugog svetskog rata smešteni su u Sheveningenu. U da- nu otvorenih vrata, 3. septembra, od 11 do 16 časova, volonteri priča- ju posetiocima o životu koju su vo- dili vojnici u potpuno realno očuva- nom okruženju. DELFT – MAGIJA PORCELANA Za Delft, čudesni gradić u blizini Ha- ga, treba odvojiti vreme. Ne samo zato što je rodno mesto Vermera već zato što je kolevka svih porce- lanskih suvenira u Holandiji. FESTIVAL HRANE IZ KAMIONA Popularni Vestbroekpark biće potpuno transformisan 8. septem- bra od 16 časova, kada će sve do 23 sata biti pretvoren u najveći re- storan na otvorenom. Stotine mo- bilnih kuhinja okupiće se na jedin- stvenom gurmanskom užitku. Ulaz
nirs in the Netherlands. FOOD TRUCK FESTIVAL
The popular Westbroekpark will be transformed completely on 8 th September from 4pm, when it will be transformed until 11pm in- to the biggest open-air restaurant.
Entrance is free. PRINCE’S DAY
This event is held every third Tues- day in September, which this year will be the 19 th.. The ceremony sees a royal procession pass through with the king waving to the gath- ered crowds from his carriage. KITE FESTIVAL The windy Scheveningen beach is ideal for the event that will be held this year on 23 rd September – the International Kite Festival.
L ajden je grad na svega petnaestak minuta vožnje železnicom od Am- sterdama ka jugu, okružen plasteni- cima lala i gotovo da predstavlja malu i mirniju repliku holandske Venecije. Kao sedište najstarijeg holandskog uni- verziteta, osnovanog 1575, preplavljen je akademcima. Bicikl je, naravno, obave- zno prevozno sredstvo, ali Lajden možete obići i brodićima, u kojima putnici neret- ko moraju da se sagnu ne bi li prošli ispod niskih mostova koji presecaju čitav grad. Ušće dveju reka, Stare i Nove Rajne, pred- stavlja posebnu atrakciju na ovim brod- skim turama. Kraj ušća je istorijska zgrada gradske skupštine, dok se duž vode ređa- ju kafići s baštama na barkama.
je besplatan. PRINČEV DAN
Manifestacija se održava svakog trećeg utorka u septembru, ove go- dine to će biti 19. Ceremonija podra- zumeva da kraljevska povorka pro- đe baš kroz istorijski deo Haga, dok kralj maše okupljenima iz kočija. FESTIVAL ZMAJEVA Vetrovita plaža Sheveningena ide- alna je za događaj koji će se održati 23. septembra – Internacionalni fe- stival zmajeva.
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