Elevate September 2017 | Air Serbia

belom. Taj brka, Stambol Geštamov, šef kuhinje beogradskog hotela Park , bio je i na tom slavlju alfa i omega ka- da je reč o onome čime su se gostili i sladili slavni gosti poznatog para. Da je reč o vrhunskom profesio- nalcu, potvrđuje još jedna od brojnih nagrada. Na jubilarnoj dodeli nagra- da Ambasadori dobre usluge progla- šen je kuvarom decenije – Chef of the decade 2006–2016 . To ugledno priznanje dodeljuje Turistički svet u saradnji s Udruženjem za turizam PKS, a pod pokroviteljstvom Mini- starstva trgovine, turizma i teleko- munikacija. Vrhunski kuvar, pedagog, preda- vač, televizijska zvezda i međunarod- ni kulinarski sudija uživa u tome što je karijeru vezao za velike – najpre za hotel Interkontinental , a kasni- je za Kraun plazu i Park , koji je deo istog sistema. I danas nedeljom pri- prema čuveni branč u Kraun plazi . – Kuvao sam za mnoge slavne političare, glumce, velika svetska imena, a moje specijalitete su hva-

lili Indira Gandi, Sofija Loren, Mo- amer el Gadafi, ali i naš Boba Živo- jinović, koji je opasno dobar kuvar – ozbiljan je Stambol dok izgovara ovaj kompliment upućen našem ču- venom teniseru. – Samo Boba može da napravi sarmu koju bih pohvalio – dodaje on. Njegova životna priča počela je u rodnom selu Kusa Vrana, u jugoi- stočnoj Srbiji. Iako je želeo da bude pilot, do Beograda i zvezdane slave došao je kao kuvar. – Mnogo sam voleo letenje, pa i danas ponekad zamišljam da je moja kuhinja moja pilotska kabina. Niku- da ne letim, ali bar pilotiram – sme- je se naš sagovornik. Sa suprugom i koleginicom Mila- dinkom ima dve ćerke. Sandra radi s njim, a Marijana je medicinski radnik i uskoro odlazi u Nemačku. On nika- da nije razmišljao o odlasku. Dovolj- no mu je što preko Asocijacije kuvara Srbije putuje na takmičenja, žirira, dr- ži master klasove i druži se sa svojim internacionalnim kolegama.

Mnogo sam voleo letenje, pa i danas ponekad zamišljam kako je moja kuhinja moja pilotska kabina. Nikuda ne letim, ali bar pilotiram I really loved flying, and even today I sometimes imagine that my kitchen is my cockpit. I don’t fly anywhere, but at least I’m at the controls

T hose few who hadn’t heard of our famous chef were acquaint- ed with him recently thanks to one photograph. The first pic- ture leaked to the public from the wed- ding of celebrated basketball player Miloš Teodosić and actress Jelisaveta Orašanin showed the groom embracing this mous- tachioed maestro in white. That mousta- chioed man, head chef of Belgrade’s Hotel Park, Stambol Geštamov, was the alpha and omega of everything that was served at this celebration and sweetened the fa- mous guests of this celeb couple. Con- firming his status as a top professional is yet another of the many awards that he has received. Namely, at the jubilee award ceremony for the “Good Service Ambas- sadors” Awards he was proclaimed “Chef of the decade, 2006-2016”. These pres- tigious awards have been presented for ten years already by publishing house Tu- ristički Svet (Tourism World), in coopera- tion with the Association for Tourism of the Chamber of Commerce & Industry of Serbia, and under the patronage of the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecom- munications. This top chef, pedagogue, lecturer, television star and international culinary judge enjoys the fact that he has linked his career to great establishments - first-


ly to the Hotel Intercontinental, later the Crowne Plaza and after that, the Hotel Park. Today he prepares the famous Sun- day brunch at the Hotel Crowne Plaza. - I’ve cooked for many famous politi- cians, actors, great world names, and my specialities have been praised by Indira Gandhi, Sophia Loren, Muammar Gadd- afi and our own Boba Živojinović, who’s a dangerously good cook – said Stambol, who is serious when he offers this comple- ment to our famous Tennis player. “Only Boba can make sarms [stuffed cabbage] that I would praise – he adds. His life story begins in his native Ku- sa Vrana, a village in southeast Serbia. Al- though he wanted to be a pilot, he rose to prominence in Belgrade and achieved celebrity status as a chef. - I really loved flying, and even today I sometimes imagine that my kitchen is my cockpit. I don’t fly anywhere, but at least I’m at the controls – laughs our interlocutor. With his wife and colleague, Miladinka, he has two daughters. Sandra works with him, while Marijana is a medical worker who is heading to Germany soon. He has never considered leaving. It is enough for him that he travels to competitions through the Association of Chefs of Serbia, serves on juries, holds master classes and social- ises with his international colleagues.

200 g lososa, 60 g pirinča, 1 g šafrana, 10 ml ma- slinovog ulja, 20 g crnog luka, 20 g komorača, 20 g miksa zelene salate, 5 g susama, 30 g limuna, pola veze peršuna, 5 g soli Priprema: Stek od lososa posolite i ispržite na maslinovom ulju. Izdinstajte pirinač sa šafranom. Komorač i luk iseci- te na rebarca i pomešajte sa zelenom salatom i per- šunom, posolite i dodajte limunov sok, maslinovo ulje i susam. Sve dobro izmešajte. Servirajte tako što ćete na sredini tanjira formirati pirinač, odozgo stavi- ti stek od lososa, a preko njega egzotičnu salatu. SALMON STEAK WITH SAFFRON RICE Ingredients: 200g salmon steak, 60g rice, 1g saffron, 10ml olive oil, 20g onion, 20g fennel, 20g mixed lettuce, 5g ses- ame seeds, 30g lemon juice, half a bundle of parsley, 5g salt Preparation: Salt the salmon steak and fry it with olive oil. Boil the rice with saffron. Cut the fennel and onion into batons and mix with the lettuce and parsley, and then add salt and lemon juice, olive oil and sesame seeds. Mix everything together well. Serve by forming the rice in- to a heap in the middle of the plate, placing the salm- on steak on top and covering with the exotic salad.

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