Janko Tipsarević prvi put je držao reket sa šest godina. Njegovu juniorsku karijeru obeležilo je osvojeno Otvoreno prvenstvo Australije 2001, četvrtfinale Rolan Garosa i drugo mesto na rang-listi za juniore. Već 2000. zaigrao je za Dejvis kup reprezentaciju Srbije, sa samo 16 godina, i svojim pobedama obezbedio našoj reprezentaciji plasman u viši rang. Najbolji plasman mu je osmo mesto na svetu. Osvojio je salataru, prvak je sveta sa reprezentacijom Srbije 2010. Janko Tipsarević first held a tennis racquet at the age of six. His junior career was marked by the victory at the 2001 Australian Open, the quarter-finals of Roland Garros and second place in the junior world ranking list. He played for Serbia’s Davis Cup team as early as the year 2000, at the age of just 16, and his victories secured our national team’s placement in a higher rank. His best rank is eighth in the world. He won the Davis Cup “Salatara”, becoming world champion with the national team of Serbia in 2010.
When someone says New York, my first association is crowds, crowds and again crowds prva asocijacija je gužva, gužva i opet gužva Kada neko kaže Njujork, moja
TAJMS SKVER Tajms skver je nezvanični centar Njujorka. Ako poneki deo Njujorka i utihne, ovde to nije slučaj. Naj- bleštaviji deo, sigurno, celog sveta. Pitanje je koliko bi vremena treba- lo da se prebroje svi bilbordi, sve- tleće reklame, sa najmanje milion ljudi oko vas na jednom trgu.
TIMES SQUARE Times Square is the unofficial centre of New York. If some part of New York is si- lent, that is not the case here. The most glittering part, certainly of the entire world. The question is how long it would take to count all the billboards and blin- king commercials, with at least a million people around you on one square.
NIGHT MATCH AT THE U.S. OPEN Another U.S. Open has begun (28 th August – 10 th Septem- ber), providing the right chan- ce, if you have the opportunity, to see a U.S. Open tennis mat- ch. The audience, music and en- tire atmosphere make it a really phenomenal experience.
Počeo je još jedan US Open (28. avgust – 10. septembar), a to je prava prilika da, ako ste u mo- gućnosti, pogledate neki meč Otvorenog prvenstva Amerike u tenisu. Publika, muzika i celoku- pna atmosfera čine da to bude stvarno fenomenalan doživljaj.
NEW YORK STEAK Or a NY strip steak, baby-beef rib- eye, juicy, soft, full-flavoured... Whe- never I’m in New York, I simply must eat a NY strip steak. Generally, the food in New York is so diverse that you don’t know what to try first. Pe- ople from all over the world ha- ve brought their own cultures, so at every step and on every corner the- re are restaurants offering different cuisines.
Iliti NY strip steak , juneći ramstek, sočan, mekan, punog ukusa… Kad god sam u Njujorku, obavezno pojedem NY strip steak . Inače, u Nujorku je hrana toliko raznovrsna da ne znate šta biste pre probali, ljudi sa svih strana planete su do- nosili svoju kulturu, pa na svakom koraku i ćošku imate restorane ra- zličitih kuhinja.
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