Ovde poput nekog pridošlice uživam u svakom predivnom detalju, od cvetanja čuvenog judinog drveta do jednostavne svakodnevne vožnje trajektom. Sve je novo ako zadržite otvoren pogled na okolinu
Here I enjoy every beautiful detail like some newcomer, from the blossoming of the famous Judas trees to simple everyday ferry rides. Everything is new if you maintain an open view of your surroundings
Parkovi su svojevrsna utočišta za stanovnike
Istanbula, tu se okupljaju, druže, ćaskaju, uživaju u pogledu na more i bave sportom Parks are a kind of haven for Istanbulers, where they meet, hangout, chat,
enjoy views of the sea or participate in sports N ajupečatljivija slika grada za mene je most na Bosforu koji povezuje Aziju i Evropu. Svaki put dok ga prelazim, naježim se diveci se pogledu. Kao i svi veliki gradovi sveta, Istanbul ima svo- ju vibraciju, svoj ritam. Tokom istorije bio je centar mnogih civilizacija i dok se šetate njegovim ulicama, šetaćete kroz istoriju prolazeći pored zgrada nemač- kih arhitekata iz 19. veka koje se nalaze u blizini pa- lata koje je izgradio svetski poznati, glavni osmanski arhitekta Sinan. Istanbul je gusto i raznoliko naseljen i karakteriše ga mešavina kultura i etničkih grupa. Da biste sagledali svu raznolikost, predložio bih da se upoznate sa što više meštana. Mi, Turci, volimo goste, i u svojim domovima, i u svojoj zemlji. Širom Turske se prema strancima uvek odnosimo s najve- cim gostoprimstvom. Dan počinite u svitanje uz obalu mora Počnite dan napolju doručkom sa švedskim sto- lom uz more. Poznati turski pesnik kaže da „doručak mora da ima neke veze sa srećom“. Budite spremni da pijete čaj iz čaša i jedete više nego ikad. Zapra- vo, ne samo po doručku, Turska je poznata po svo- joj kuhinji, pa uživajte u svakom zalogaju. Za doru- čak bih predložio mesto u Bebeku ili Rumeli Hisarı, a za večeru morske plodove u restoranu u Arnavutko- iu uz raznovrsno meze i čašicu čuvene turske rakije.
T he quintessential image of the city for me is the Bosphorus Bridge connecting Asia and Europe. Every time I cross it, it gives me goosebumps admiring the view. Like all big cities around the world, Istanbul has a vibe of its own, its own rhythm per se. It has been a centre for many civilisations throughout history and, as you stroll the streets of Istanbul, you will witness 19 th century buildings by German architects adjacent to palaces built by the world renowned Chief Otto- man Architect Sinan. Istanbul is densely and diversely populated and characterised by a mixture of cultures and ethnicities. So I would suggest meeting as many locals as possible. We, as Turkish people, love guests, both in our homes and in our country. Foreigners are always treated with the utmost hospitality throughout Turkey. Start your day with a sunrise by the seaside Start the day with an open buffet breakfast by the seaside. A famous Turkish poet says “breakfast must have something to do with happiness”. Be prepared to drink tea from glasses and eat more than you ever have. And not just for breakfast. Turkey is famous for its cui- sine, so enjoy every morsel. For breakfast I would sug- gest a place in Bebek or Rumeli Hisarı, and for dinner a seafood restaurant in Arnavutköy, with lots of “mez- zes” to accompany the famous “Turkish Rakı”.
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