Elevate May 2021 | Air Serbia


DEJANA FILIPOVIĆA kapetana instruktora na erbasu A330 Tri pitanja za...

DEJAN FILIPOVIĆ captain-instructor, Airbus A330 Three questions for...

Da li je turbulencija zaista opasna ili samo neprijatna?

Is turbulence really dangerous or is it just discomforting?

– Tokom 15.000 sati provedenih u vazduhu doživeo sam razne turbulencije i mnogo puta se uverio u kvalitet konstrukcije aviona. Savremene letelice koje imamo u

"Having spent 15,000 hours in the air, I've experien- ced varying turbulence and been convinced of the high quality of the aircraft's construction many times. Thanks

našoj kompaniji su, zahva- ljujući današnjim tehnolo- gijama, toliko sigurne da o turbulenciji razmišljam sa- mo u kontekstu udobnosti putnika i posade. Trudimo se da ih izbegnemo kad god možemo da ne bi bilo prolivenih kafa. Naravno, nekada ih je nemoguće iz- beći, pa zato peporuču- jem svima da poštuju znak obaveznog vezivanja po- jasa kad god je uključen. Ukoliko ste vezani, u tur- bulenciji možete i da uži- vate, kao u rolerkosteru! Da li više volite sleta- nje ili poletanje? – Kao profesionalni pi- lot, poletanju i sletanju po- svećujem maksimalnu pa- žnju, to su dve kritične faze leta. Iako mnogi mi- sle suprotno, poletanje je rizičnije jer su tada moto- ri na maksimalnoj snazi, a avion je mnogo teži ne- go pri sletanju zbog koli- čine goriva. Ipak, pri sle- tanju imamo priliku da pokažemo svu svoju vešti- nu, pa bih se ipak oprede- lio za sletanje kao omilje- nu fazu leta.

to today's technologies, the modern aircraft that we ha- ve in our fleet are so safe that I only consider turbu- lence in the context of the comfort of both passen- gers and crew. We try to avoid it whenever we can, so we don't end up with spi- lled coffee. Yes, sometimes it's impossible to avoid, whi- ch is why I recommend that everyone respects the fa- sten seat belt sign. As long as you are buckled up in yo- ur seat, you can even enjoy the turbulence, the roller coaster ride!" Do you prefer landin- gs or takeoffs? "As a professional pilot, I devote maximum attenti- on to both takeoff and lan- ding, which are two critical stages of a flight. Although many think it's the opposite, takeoff is actually riskier, be- cause the engines are then

using their maximum po- wer, and the plane is much heavier than during landing, due to the amount of fuel. However, when landing we have a chance to demon- strate all of our skills, so I would still opt for landing as my favourite stage of a flight." Could you imagine a life in which you didn't beco- me a pilot? "My boyhood dream was to become a pilot, so I con- sider myself privileged to be doing that which I love. On the other hand, I was raised to do whatever it is I'm doi- ng with love. I think I would have had an equally successful career in engineering if I'd taken that route. Truth be told, I'm not sure I'd love any other jobs for as long, with the sa- me passion, as I love this one."

Uživajte u turbulenciji kao na rolerkosteru Enjoy the turbulence like a roller coaster ride

Možete li da zamislite život u kojem niste pilot? – Moj dečački san je bio da postanem pilot, zato sebe smatram privilegovanim jer radim ono što volim. S druge strane, vaspitavan sam da šta god da radim, radim to sa ljubavlju. Mislim da bih imao podjednako uspešnu inženjersku karijeru da sam otišao tim putem. Doduše, nisam siguran da bih druge poslove voleo toli- ko dugo, sa istim žarom, kao što volim ovaj.

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