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Vrh Olimpa je često prekriven

oblacima/ The top of Olympus is often hidden under cloud cover

Planina bogova

Mountain of the gods The ancient Greeks saw 12 gods making their homes on top of Olympus, a moun-

Drevni Grci su videli 12 bogova kako prave svo - je domove na vrhu Olimpa, planine koja je nači - njena od vetra i često prekrivena oblacima. Olimp je i najviša planina Grčke – 2.917 meta - ra, a najviši vrh Mitikas u prevodu znači nos. Planina je poznata i po veoma bogatoj flori sa oko 1.500 biljnih vrsta. Od 1983. godine nala - zi se pod zaštitom Uneska, a sama planina je i nacionalni park. Takođe, pro -

tain that's seemingly made of wind and is often hidden under cloud cover. Olympus is also the highest mountain in Greece - at 2,917m - and its highest peak, Mitikas, means nose in trans- lation. This mountain is also known for its very rich flora and around 1,500 species of plant. It has been under UNESCO pro- tection since 1983, while the mountain itself is also a nation- al park. It has also been declared an archaeological and histor- ical site, due to the mountain's natural environment containing a large amount of evidence pertaining to human history. The Greeks believed that crystal palaces that were home to the gods were located at the top of the mountain. The en- trance to Olympus was a large door made of clouds. The pal- aces were built for the Titans by the Cyclops, while the artistic objects were created and forged by Hepheastion. The cham- bers of Zeus and Hera were at the southern end of Olympus, so they could watch Athens, Thebes, Sparta, Corinth and My- cenae from there. The gods lived, slept, passed judgement and fed on ambrosia and nectar inside Olympus, while Apollo entertained them by playing the lyre.

glašena je i za arheološko nalazište i istorijsko mesto jer prirodno okruženje plani - ne sadrži veliki broj dokaza o istoriji čoveka. Grci su smatrali da se na vrhu planine nalaze kristalne pala- te u kojima bogovi žive. Ulaz u Olimp bila su velika vrata od oblaka. Palate su sagradi -

1983. Nalazi se pod zaštitom Uneska It has been under UNESCO protection

li titani Kiklopi, a umetničke predmete je nači - nio i iskovao Hefes. Zevsove i Herine odaje bile su na južnom kraju Olimpa, pa su odatle mogli da gledaju Atinu, Tebu, Spartu, Korint i Mikenu. Unutar Olimpa bogovi su živeli, spavali, sudili, a hranili su se ambrozijom i nektarom, dok ih je zabavljao Apolon svirajući liru.

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