Elevate May 2021 | Air Serbia

Meteori su podignuti na vrhovima stena, na obroncima tesalijske ravnice. Ostaci prvih ma - nastirskih zdanja potiču iz 11 veka, a danas ih je ostalo samo šest aktivnih pod zaštitom Une- ska, iako ih je nekada bilo čak 24. Manastirski kompleks Meteori, smešten izme- đu mesta Kalambaka i Kastraki u Grčkoj, pred - stavlja jedinstvenu svetsku atrakciju, jer je iz- građen na potpuno nepristupačnim stenama koje se dižu i do 550 metara u nebo. U slobod - nom prevodu sa grčkog naziv Meteori značio bi „okačen na nebo“, što je i prva asocijacija pri pogledu na ovo sveto mesto. Drevni manasti - ri ovog nebeskog grada građeni su na liticama i samim vrhovima stena, pa zbog svog jedin - stvenog izgleda i mistike koja ih okružuje pred - stavljaju pravi magnet za turiste sa svih kraje- va sveta. Predanja kažu da su prvi manastiri u Meteori - ma izgrađeni primitivnim metodama, kao i da su kamen, alate, konopce i sve druge potreb - štine graditelji izvlačili samo pomoću užadi. Prema legendi, radoznali posetioci uvek pita - ju sveštenike koliko često menjaju konopce, na šta ovi odgovaraju sa: „Kada Gospod dozvo - li da puknu.“ Ovaj manastirski kompleks je bogomdano me - sto za asketski život monaha, čije se kelije i danas mogu videti u šupljinama stena. Pešač - ki prilazi objektima sagrađeni su tek početkom 20. veka, tako da se danas do njih stiže sple - tom staza i stepenica. Teritorija Meteora je od 1995. godine grčkim zakonom i odlukom Sinoda Grčke pravoslavne crkve proglašena za sveto mesto, neprikosno- veno i nepromenljivo. Najpristupačniji i ujed - no i jedini ženski manastir je manastir Svetog Stefana. Nebeski manastiri

Heavenly monasteries The Meteora monasteries were erected on the tops of vertical rock formations on the slopes of the Thessalian plain. The remains of the first monastery buildings date back to the 11 th cen- tury. Although there used to be as many as 24 monasteries, today only six of them remain ac- tive and are under UNESCO protection. The Meteora monastery complex, located be- tween the town of Kalabaka and the village of Kastraki, represents a unique world attrac- tion, because it is built on completely inacces- sible natural sandstone megaliths that rise up to 550 metres into the sky. Loosely translat- ed from Greek, the name Meteora would mean lofty or elevated, which is the first association when looking at this holy place. The old monas- teries of this "heavenly city" were built on cliffs and the very tops of rock pillars, so their unique appearance and the mystique that surrounds them ensures they are a veritable magnet for tourists from all over the world. It is traditionally believed that the first Meteo - ra monasteries were built using primitive meth- ods, and it was only with the help of ropes that the builders hauled up stone, tools, ropes and all other necessities. According to legend, cu- rious visitors always ask the priests how often they change the ropes, to which they respond: "When God allows them to break". This monastery complex is a God-given place for the ascetic life of monks, whose cells can still be seen in cavities in the rocks today. Ap- proaches to the buildings on foot were on- ly built at the beginning of the 20 th century, so they can today be reached by a combination of paths and stairs. According to Greek law and the decision of the Synod of the Greek Church, the territory of the


Ostaci prvih manastira potiču iz 11. veka The remains of the first monasteries date back to the 11 th century


aktivnih manastira ostalo je danas

Today only six monasteries remain active

1995. teritorija Meteora postala je sveto mesto The territory of the Meteora has been declared an holy place

Meteora has been declared an inviolable and unchange- able holy place since 1995. The most accessible mon- astery, and the only nun- nery, is the monastery of St. Stephen.

U slobodnom prevodu sa grčkog naziv Meteori značio bi „okačen na nebo“ / Loosely translated from Greek, the name Meteora would mean lofty or elevated

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