Razglednica /Postcard
MOSKVA / MOSCOW Parada povodom Dana pobede
BEČ / VIENNA Izložba fotografija Elfi Semotan
LIMASOL / LIMASSOL Izložba brodova
BOAT SHOW The organisers of the Limassol Boat Show have announced that the 2021 edition will make its return from 6 th to 9 th May. This annual gathering of industry professionals and prospective buyers offers thousands of visitors the opportunity to view a wide range of the latest products and services in a unique setting. With the inclusion of seminars, presentations of new products, activities on the water and demonstrations, this year’s Limassol Boat Show is set to host more than 120 exhibitors. Organizatori Limasol Boat Show najavljuju da ce se izdanje za 2021. godinu vratiti od 6. do 9. maja. Godišnje okupljanje profesiona- laca u industriji i potencijalnih kupaca ponu- dice posetiocima priliku da pogledaju širok spektar najnovijih proizvoda i usluga u je- dinstvenom okruženju. Uključujuci semina- re, prezentacije novih proizvoda, aktivnosti na vodi i demonstracije, Limasol Boat Show ugostice više od 120 izlagača.
VICTORY DAY PARADE Many Russians celebrate Victory Day on 9 th May. It is on this day that TV networks broadcast World War II-inspired films and younger generations honour veterans, while the festivities culminate in a military parade on Moscow’s Red Square. Victory Day is a public holiday in Russia, so it’s a day off for the general population, with schools and most businesses closed. It is traditional to give flowers to veterans on the streets, usually red carnations, and to lay wreaths at war memorial sites. Rusija grandiozno slavi Dan pobede 9. maja. Na taj dan TV mreže emituju filmo- ve inspirisane Drugim svetskim ratom, mlađe generacije odaju počast veterani- ma, a svečanosti kulminiraju vojnom pa- radom na Crvenom trgu u Moskvi. Dan pobede je državni praznik, pa je sve za- tvoreno, uključujući i škole. Tradicija je da se cvece, obično crveni karanfili, daju ve- teranima na ulicama i polažu venci na ratna spomen-obeležja.
ELFIE SEMOTAN PHOTO EXHIBITION Few Austrian photographers achieve enduring international success, but Elfie Semotan has become a global name synonymous with both commercial and artistic excellence. The KunstHaus Wien presents a major retrospective exhibition of her work that pays tribute to one of the greats of world photography in 160 works. The exhibition will run from 5 th May to 29 th August. Malo austrijskih fotografa može da se po- hvali međunarodnim uspehom, ali Elfi Se- motan je postala globalno ime i sinonim za komercijalnu i umetničku izvrsnost. Kunst Haus Wien predstavlja veliku re- trospektivu njenog rada odajuci počast jednom od velikana svetske fotografije predstavljajući 160 dela. Izložba ce trajati od 5. maja do 29. avgusta.
Tekst/Words: Jelena Pantović Fotografije/Photography: iStock
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