Supermodeli, superstarovi i superbrendovi sreli su se u Altmanovom apsurdnom zapletu Super models, super stars and super brands encounter one another in Altman’s absurd plot
Kostimografija je ponekad bleštavija i od
najvećih zvezda Costume designs sometimes shine brighter than the greatest stars
OCEAN‘S EIGHT An unrivaled female gang comprising Sandra Bull- ock, Rihanna, Cate Blanchett and other amazing wom- en has a plan for the heist of the century. This isn‘t a classic „chick flick“ story, but since the target is jewellery from the opening of an exhibition during the Met Ga- la, the fashion stakes are also high! This great ball held at New York‘s Metropolitan Museum is considered the most important red carpet event in the fashion world, and it is personally organised by Anna Wintour, so it was quite expected that, alongside breathtaking gowns, the film would also feature cameo appearances of the crème de la crème of the fashion scene. If you haven‘t watched it, we won‘t mention spoilers - but it is quite certain that no one intended to call the (fashion) police during those glamorous evenings. BELLE DE JOUR In one of the most iconic roles of her undeniably im- pressive career, Catherine Deneuve demonstrates French chic‘s most sensual nature. The sex appeal of the era in which it was filmed emphasises not only the element of elaborate lingerie, but also the insistence on the two most fatal fashion aces of every Parisiennes - a coat that evokes the exactness of an overcoat and a dangerously striking trench coat made of patent leather. CRAZY RICH ASIANS The costumes in this ode to unimaginable wealth from the East aren‘t only elegant, they are unscrupulously fab- ulous. Costume designer Mary Vogt collaborated closely with director Jon M. Chu in order for them to jointly and fully realise a vision of inexhaustible luxury - from Ara- minta’s provocative wedding dress to Rachel’s Cinderella moment in a pastel blue dress by fashion house Marchesa. It should also be mentioned that Asian designers, such as Carven Ong, are represented in this film alongside the biggest global fashion brands. The jewellery used for the filming was so expensive that companies Bulgari and Chopard sent their own security to the set.
ča, ali s obzirom na to da je plen nakit sa otvaranje izložbe tokom Met gale, i modni ulozi su veliki! Veli- ki bal u njujorškom Metropoliten muzeju smatra se najvažnijim crvenim tepihom u modnom svetu, or- ganizuje ga Ana Vintur lično, pa je bilo sasvim oče- kivano da, osim toaleta koje oduzimaju dah, u filmu kroz kameo kadrove gostuje krem modne scene. Ako niste gledali, nećemo vam kvariti – ali je sasvim izve- sno da te glamurozne večeri niko nije nameravao da pozove (modnu) policiju. LEPOTICA DANA U jednoj od najupečatljivijih uloga svoje svakako impresivne karijere Ketrin Danev demonstrira najsen- zualniju prirodu francuskog šika. Seksepil ere u ko- joj je snimljen naglašava ne samo elaborativni linžeri momenat već i insistiranje na dva najubojitija mod- na aduta svake Parižanke – kaputu koji evocira stro- gost šinjela i opasno upadljivom trenču od lak kože. CRAZY RICH ASIANS Kostimi u ovoj odi nezamislivom bogatstvu sa Istoka nisu samo otmeni, oni su beskrupolozno ba- snoslovni. Kostimografkinja Mari Vogt je blisko sara- đivala sa režiserom Džonom M. Čuom kako bi zajedno ostvarili viziju o neiscrpnoj raskoši – od Aramintine provokativne venčanice do Rašelinog Pepeljuga tre- nutka u pastelnoplavoj haljini modne kuće Marčesa . Treba pomenuti i da su rame uz rame sa najvećim svetskim modnim markama zastupljeni i azijski di- zajneri kao što je Krven Ong. Nakit korišćen za sni- manje je toliko skupocen da su kuće Bulgari i Čopar poslali sopstveno obezbeđenje na set.
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