Elevate May 2021 | Air Serbia


Sa njim je saglasan profesor Đanpjer Petriđe- ri, koji se bavi održivim metodama edukacije i ra- zvojem na radnom mestu. On kaže da je jedan od razloga zašto nas Zoom iscrpljuje to što su nam za video-poziv potrebni bolja koncentracija i veći fo- kus nego za razgovor uživo. – Kod video-poziva procesuiramo daleko više neverbalnih znakova poput izraza lica, tona i vi- sine glasa i govora tela i sve to nam troši mnogo energije – tvrdi on. Napominje da zbog toga što zvuk i slika kasne nekoliko sekundi odgovor osobe s kojom razgovara-

Professor Gianpiero Petriglieri, who deals with sus- tainable methods of education and development in the workplace, is in agreement with Bailenson. He says that one of the reasons Zoom exhausts us is that we need better concentration and more focus for a vid- eo call than we do for a live chat. „With video calls we process far more nonverbal cues, such as facial expres- sions, voice tone and pitch and body language; and all of that takes a lot of our energy.“ He notes that, due to the technicality that sound and picture are delayed by a few seconds, the response of the person with whom we‘re conversing may sound

mo može zvučati distancirano ili hladno, nedovoljno fokusirano i manje srdačno i dodaje da je istraživanje nemačkih aka- demika još 2014. pokazalo je da kašnje- nja u telefonskim razgovorima ili onlajn konferencijama negativno utiču na našu sliku o drugima. Naime, sekunde su bi- le dovoljne da ispitanici svoje sagovor- nike dožive kao „neprijateljski nastroje- ne i nedovoljno posvećene“. Video-pozivi će se po svemu sudeći nastaviti i posle korone, ali kako da bu- du lakši? Postoje jednostavni načini da se izbegne intenzitet i minimizuje neizbež- na letargija, kaže Bejlenson. To može biti smanjenje veličine prozora za video-ća- skanje ili korišćenje spoljne tastature za stvaranje veće udaljenosti između sebe i mreže znatiželjnih lica. Korisnici Zoo- ma takođe mogu da se odvoje od podra- zumevanih postavki i da koriste dugme za hajdovanje ili da čak potpuno isklju- če kameru kad god je to moguće. To će vas barem privremeno sačuvati od pre- mora, savetuje on. – Ovo nije jednostavno isključivanje

distant or „cold“, insufficiently focused or lacking cordiality, while he adds that re- search conducted by German academics in 2014 showed that delays in telephone conversations or online conferences have a negative impact on our image of others. Specifically, those seconds were enough for respondents to experience their interlocu- tors as „hostile and insufficiently dedicated“. All things considered, video calls will continue even after the pandemic, but how can they be easier? There are simple ways to avoid intensity and minimise inevitable fatigue, says Bailenson. This can mean re- ducing the size of the video chat window or using an external keyboard to create more distance between yourself and the network of curious people. Zoom users can also de- viate from the default settings and use the hide option - or even turn the camera off completely from time to time, whenever possible. “That will at least temporarily save you from fatigue,” he advises. „This isn‘t simply turning off the cam- era to take a break from the need to be non- verbally active, it is greater than moving your body away from the screen so that you‘re not suffocated by gestures that are real perceptually, but are insignificant in a social context.“

Kod video- poziva procesuiramo daleko više neverbalnih znakova, a sve to nam troši mnogo energije With video calls we process far more nonverbal cues, and all of that takes a lot of energy

kamere da biste predahnuli od potrebe da budete neverbalno aktivni, već i od- vraćanje tela od ekrana tako da vas ne uguše gestovi koji su perceptivno real- ni, ali beznačajni u društvenom kontekstu – doda- je Bejlenson. Epoha video-konferencija u kojima su mnogi lju- di neaktivniji nego da su u kancelariji takođe mo- že dovesti do trajnijih posledica po samopouzdanje. Virtuelne konsultacije za kozmetičke procedure su u SAD od početka pandemije porasle za 64 odsto, pre- ma podacima Američkog društva plastičnih hirurga. – Apsolutno smo primetili da je porast broja hi- rurških kozmetičkih procedura koje ljudi traže u ko- relaciji sa rastućom popularnošću Zooma – rekao je dr Majkl Somenek, koji je zabeležio porast od 50 do 60 odsto u svojoj praksi u Vašingtonu. – Zahvati zbog kojih ljudi dolaze su kapci ili vrat jer kamera beleži podbradak – dodao je on.

The era of video conferencing, during which many people remain more inactive than if they were in the office, can also lead to more enduring consequences when it comes to self-confidence. Virtual consultations for cosmetic surgery procedures have increased by 64% in the U.S. since the beginning of the pandemic, ac- cording to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. „We have absolutely seen an increase in the num- ber of surgical cosmetic procedures that people have been seeking directly related to Zoom,“ said Dr Mi- chael Somenek, who has seen a 50 to 60 per cent increase at his practice in Washington. „The inter- ventions that people come in for relate to their eye- lids or their neck, because they see a double chin on camera.“

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