O d kada je u aprilu 1962. go- dine pušten za vazdušni saobraćaj na teritoriji op- štine Surčin, Aerodrom Nikola Tesla predstavlja bitno čvo- rište saobraćajne mreže u čitavom regionu. Aerodrom je sedište nacio- nalne avio-kompanije Er Srbija i da- nas je savremena vazdušna luka. O njegovom nesumnjivom potencija- lu govori i veliko interesovanje re- nomiranih svetskih kompanija u po- stupku izbora koncesionara. Početkom januara ove godine Vlada Republike Srbije i a. d. Aero- drom Nikola Tesla Beograd done- li su odluku o izboru koncesionara prema kojoj će francuska kompani- ja VINCI Airports upravljati Aero- dromom Nikola Tesla u narednih 25 godina. Model koncesije doprineće unapređenju kvaliteta usluge, razvo- ju i daljoj optimizaciji poslovanja, po- sebno imajući u vidu iskustvo koje koncesionar donosi u Srbiju. – U godini za nama beogradski Aerodrom uslužio je prvi put u isto- riji više od 5,3 miliona putnika, dok je prevoz robe i pošte uvećan 40 od- sto u odnosu na 2016. godinu. Me- nadžment je imao zadatak da poveća vrednost kompanije, što smo uspeš- no realizovali. Vrednost Aerodroma u poslednje četiri godine povećana je za više stotina miliona evra. Ukupni prihodi veći su 45 odsto, broj putni- ka 51 odsto, a promet robe je 217 od- sto veći nego pre četiri godine. Te 2013. dobit Aerodroma bila je sve- ga 125.000 evra, a očekivana dobit u 2017. je između 28 i 29 miliona evra – kaže v. d. generalnog direktora a. d. Aerodrom Nikola Tesla Beograd Saša Vlaisavljević. Revitalizacija nacionalnog avio-prevoznika dovela je do inten- zivnog rasta avio-saobraćaja na Ae- rodromu i do potrebe za proširenjem kapaciteta. Prateći rast broja putnika i uvažavajući njihove sugestije, kao i sugestije Er Srbije , Aerodrom je od 2014. do 2017. uložio gotovo šest mi- lijardi dinara u infrastrukturna una- pređenja, čime je kapacitet povećan sa 5,5 na oko 7,5 miliona putnika go- dišnje, a poboljšana je i ponuda za sve naše putnike. – Uprkos mnogim izazovima, smatram da s ponosom možemo posmatrati rezultate naše zajednič- ke saradnje. Kvalitetan timski rad dveju kompanija doprineo je uspo- nu srpskog vazduhoplovstva i srp- ske privrede – ističe Vlaisavljević.
S ince it began serving air traffic in April 1962, on the territory of the Municipality of Surčin, Belgrade’s Nikola Tesla Airport has become an important hub in the transportation network of the entire region. The airport is the hub of national air carrier Air Serbia and is today a modern facility. The inter- est of renowned global companies in the process of selecting a concessionaire tes- tifies to the undoubted potential of Bel- grade Airport. At the beginning of January this year, the Government of the Republic of Ser- bia and JSC Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport awarded the French company VINCI Air- ports the concession to operate Nikola Te- sla Airport over the next 25 years. The con- cession model will contribute to improving the quality of services and develop and further optimise its operations, especial- ly taking into account the experience that the concessionaire will bring to Serbia. – In the year behind us, Belgrade air- port served more than 5.3 million passen- gers for the first time in its history, while the transportation of goods and mail in- creased by 40% compared to 2016. The management team had the task of increas- ing the value of the company, which was successfully realised. The value of the air-
U godini za nama beogradski Aerodrom uslužio je prvi put u istoriji više od 5,3 miliona putnika In the year behind us, the Belgrade airport served more than 5.3 million passengers for the first time in its history
port in the last four years has increased by hundreds of millions of euros. Total reve- nues are 45% higher, the number of pas- sengers is up 51%, and the turnover of goods rose 217% compared to four years ago. In 2013, Belgrade Airport’s profit was just 125,000 euros while the expected prof- it in 2017 is between 28 and 29 million euros – says Acting Director General and CEO of JSC Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport, Saša Vlaisavljević. The revitalisation of the national air- line has led to intensive traffic growth at the airport and also led to the need to ex- pand its capacity. Following the growth of passenger volumes, and after taking into account the suggestions of travellers and Air Serbia, the Airport invested nearly six billion dinars in the improvement of infra- structure between 2014 and 2017. The ca- pacity of the Airport has increased from 5.5 to 7.5 million passengers per year, and the amenities available to passengers have also been improved. – Despite many challenges, we can consider the results of our joint cooper- ation with pride. The high quality team- work of the two companies has contrib- uted to the rise of Serbian aviation and the Serbian economy – highlights Mr. Vlaisavljević.
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