Elevate February 2018 | Air Serbia

Many versions are performed on the territory of today’s Vojvodina, from the so- called small kolo, then the large kolo, the sremčica and maestro’s kolo, Hungarian, podvoje etc. - Dance performance style in Vojvodi- na was characterised by a distinct gen- der division in which men could skilfully switch between simple patterns of steps, while women jumped on the spot, offer- ing them support in their dance – notes Professor Rakočević. The former basic repertoire of central Serbia now dominates the entire territory of the country –moravac, Žikino kolo and the most popular - užičko. - The užičko kolo (from Užice) is per- formed at all festivities, celebrations, gath- erings and family and public gettogethers. Within it all boundaries between perform- ers are transcended, ethnic distance, reli- gious, social, status, economic, profession- al, age and gender. Given that it includes the participation of everyone, it holds the symbolism of communion, joy, good vi- brations and togetherness - says Profes- sor Rakočević. The first Serbian tradition to be included on UNESCO’s List of Intangible Heritage of Humanity was the ’Slava’ family patron saint’s day celebration, added in November 2014, while singing to the accompaniment of the gusle instrument has been proposed for inclusion in 2018

U Vojvodini su žene najčešće pocupkivale u mestu pružajući muškarcima potporu u plesu The women of Vojvodina most commonly tapped their feet in one place, providing the men with support in dancing

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