Osnovan pre 40 godina u cilju predstavljanja tradicionalnog baleta kroz parodiju i zamenu uloga među polovima, Balet Trokadero od Monte Karla nekada je nastupao u kasnim ter- minima off Brodveja. Zahvaljujući dobrom poznavanju gvoz- denog baletskog repertoara i komičnih situacija na sceni, kao i zapanjujućom tehnikom muškaraca na vrhovima prstiju, po- neli su status pozorišnog fenomena. Komedija se postiže preuveličavanjem slabosti, scenskih nezgoda i bajkovite ba- nalnosti ozbiljne igre. Činjenica da krupna tela delikatno ba- lansiraju na prstima kao labudovi, vile i princeze – prikazuje fantastičan duh vrhunske igre, ne rugajući se, već oduševlja- vajući iskusnu i početničku publiku. Pre nekoliko godina ova njujorška trupa je mesecima pre svog nastupa u Beogradu rasprodala ulaznice. Zato dolaze ponovo. Founded over 40 years ago for the purpose of presenting tra- ditional ballet through parody form and en travesti, Les Bal- lets Trockadero de Monte Carlo once performed in late-late shows in off-off Broadway lofts. Thanks to good knowledge of a steely ballet repertoire and a comic approach to situations on the stage, as well as the stunning technique of men dancing en pointe, on their tiptoes, this company gained the status of a theatrical phenomenon. The comedy is achieved by incorpo- rating and exaggerating the foibles, accidents, and underlying incongruities of serious dance. The fact that men’s heavy bod- ies delicately balance on toes as swans, fairies and princesses, shows the fantastic spirit of top dance, enhancing rather than mocking the art form, while delighting both the most knowl- edgeable and novice audiences. A few years ago, tickets for the Belgrade appearance of this New York ensemble were sold out months in advance! That’s why they’re coming again! LES BALLETS TROCKADERO DE MONTE CARLO
BALET HONGKONGA Fei Bo, Edvard Lijang i Jorma Elo
Tri vrhunska koreografa udružila su se da svojim originalnim po- stavkama kreiraju predstavu za pamćenje. U Beograd i Novi Sad po prvi put dolazi Balet Hongkonga , a ujedno to je i njihov prvi dolazak u ovaj deo Evrope. Od osnivanja 1979. godine, Balet Hon - gkonga je evoluirao u živu organizaciju scenskih umetnosti sa vr- hunskim repertoarom, koji se sastoji od niza umetničkih i tehnič- ki izazovnih produkcija. S ansamblom od 50 igrača iz Hongkonga, Kine, Evrope i SAD, kao i iz drugih delova Azije, kompanija po- slednjih godina niže uspehe na najvećim svetskim pozornicama. HONG KONG BALLET Fei Bo, Edwaard Liang and Jorma Elo Three top choreographers have joined forces with their own orig- inal settings to create an unforgettable show. The Hong Kong Bal- let is coming to Belgrade and Novi Sad for the first time, with this tour also simultaneously representing their debut appearance in this part of Europe. Since its founding in 1979, the Hong Kong Bal- let has evolved into a living organisation of performing arts with a top repertoire that comprises a series of artistic and technical- ly challenging productions. With an ensemble of 50 dancers origi- nating from Hong Kong, China, Europe and the U.S., as well as oth- er parts of Asia, this company has recorded a series of successes on the world’s greatest stages in recent years
SIDNEJSKA KOMPANIJA IGRE Gabrijela Nenkajvel, Rafael Bonačele, Čeng Cung Lung „ Sidnejska kompanija igre je neverovatna. Svi igrači su u svom punom vrhuncu, telesno i emocionalno, potpuno po- svećeni delima i osnaženi smelim i inovativnim koreografija- ma“, navodi kritičar Njujork tajmsa . Prvi put u naš region naj- poznatiji australijski ansambl dolazi sa sjajnim triptihom.
SYDNEY DANCE COMPANY Gabrielle Nankivell, Rafael Bonachela, Cheng Tsung Lung
“The Sydney Dance Company is astonishing. All the dancers are at their absolute peak, physically and emotionally, total- ly committed to the work and empowered by this daring, edgy piece of choreography,” said a New York Times critic. This most famous Australian ensemble is coming to our region for the first time, with a great triptych.
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