Fotografije/Photography: Getty Images, iStock, Profimedia
Buzludža (na slici) nalazi se na vrhu Stare pla- nine, a već na samom ulazu poručuje: „Zabo- ravite svoju prošlost“. Izgrađen je da služi kao dvorana za sastanke delegacija i komunističke događaje i bio otvoren osam godina, sve do 1989, kada se raspao Sovjetski Savez. Ovu im- pozantnu građevinu, koja liči na NLO, gradilo je 6.000 ljudi. Enterijer, u čijem ukrašavanju je učestovovalo 20 najvećih bugarskih umetni- ka tog vremena, bleštao je od mermera, sta- kla, mozaika, a veliki deo novca za izgradnju Buzludzhe došao je od građana Bugarske. Ia- ko napuštena, danas u velikoj meri živi na In- stagramu i u porfolijima umetnika i fotografa širom sveta.
FORGET YOUR PAST The Buzludzha Monument (pictured) is locat- ed on the Balkan Mountain peak of the same name, and at the entrance an inscription states: Forget Your Past. Built to serve as an assem- bly hall for delegations and various communist events, it was open for eight years, until the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1989. This im- pressive structure, resembling a flying saucer, was built by 6,000 people. The interior, the dec- oration of which included the 20 top Bulgarian artists of the time, glistened with marble, glass and mosaics. A large part of the money for the construction of Buzludzha was provided by the citizens of Bulgaria. Although abandoned, it lives on today to a great extent on Instagram and in the portfolios of artists and photogra- phers worldwide.
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