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love the most, and that is to play tennis. However, faith and effort paid off. Paris is a signal that I’m on the right track and I sin- cerely hope that’s only the first of count- less major finals that I will play in the future. Speaking on the same topic, Filip wanted to add that Paris is also a great place when you’re not playing tennis; that it’s a wonderful destination for those who want and love to travel. - It’s a city where you feel the love of its inhabitants at every step, incredibly beau- tiful, full of museums. You also eat well in Paris. I can’t wait to return. On my list of cit- ies that have to be visited at least once in a lifetime are also Melbourne, Los Angeles, Singapore, Tokyo and New York. He welcomed the start of 2018 in Doha, where he participated in a tour- nament in Qatar. - It’s a really nice competition, one of the most beautiful events organised in the Tour, everyone tries their best to try to im- prove our stay there. I love to go there, but again it’s far away from home. This year it was easier for me, because my team- mates from the national team were there with their families. We were together, so we had a good time. It’s tough for him not to be with his loved ones for the holidays, because when- ever he travels he misses his parents, broth- er and sister. They talk regularly, but noth- ing can replace the intimacy and warmth of spending the holidays with the family. It’s particularly tough for Filip when he has to celebrate Christmas away from home. But he must play, to attain the new victo- ries that await him... I was declared one of the world’s most promising juniors. Everyone predicted a dazzling future for me. And then ... By the age of 18 I’d had operations on both my hands najperspektivnijih juniora sveta. Svi su mi predviđali blistavu budućnost. A onda... Do 18. godine sam obe ruke operisao
Filip je na istu temu želeo da doda da je Pariz pravo mesto i kad ne igrate tenis, odnosno div- na destinacija za sve one koji že- le i vole da putuju. – To je grad u kom osećate ljubav njegovih stanovnika na svakom ko- raku, neverovatno lep, pun muzeja. U Parizu se i dobro jede. Jedva čekam da se vratim. Na mojoj listi gradova koji se moraju obići makar jednom u životu su i Melburn, Los Anđeles, Singapur, Tokio i Njujork. Novu, 2018. godinu dočekao je u Dohi, gde je od 1. januara učestvovao na turniru u Kataru. – To je zaista lepo takmičenje, jed-
no od najlepše organizovanih na Tu- ru, svi se maksimalno trude da nam ulepšaju boravak tamo. Volim tamo da odem, ali opet, to je daleko od ku- će. Ove godine mi je bilo lakše jer su moji drugovi iz reprezentacije sa svojim porodicama tamo. Bili smo zajedno tako da smo se lepo proveli. Teško mu je što za praznike ni- je s najbližima, jer mu uvek, kad pu- tuje nedostaju roditelji, brat i sestra. Čuju se redovno. Ali ništa ne može da zameni bliskost i toplinu prazni- ka s porodicom. Naročito je Filipu teško kad Božić slavi daleko od ku- će. Ali mora da se igra, do novih po- beda koje ga tek očekuju…
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