Elevate March 2021 | Air Serbia


izvršni direktor za odnose sa državnim organima i organizacijama Branislav Malović prima orden za Er Srbiju / Chief Government Affairs and Relations Officer Branislav Malović received this high decoration on behalf of Air Serbia


PREDSEDNIK SRBIJE ODLIKOVAO ER SRBIJU Povodom Dana državnosti Srbije Er Srbija je 15. februara ukazom predsednika Republike Srbije odlikovana Ordenom Karađorđeve zvezde drugog stepena KARAĐORĐEVA ZVEZDA ZA NACIONALNU AVIO-KOMPANIJU

Air Serbia was awarded the Order of Karađorđe‘s Star of the Second Degree on the occasion of Serbian Statehood Day on 15 th February, according to a decree of the President of the Republic of Serbia SERBIAN PRESIDENT DECORATES AIR SERBIA ON THE DAY MARKING THE CELEBRATION of Serbian Statehood Day, Air Serbia Chief Government Affairs and

NA DAN PROSLAVE DANA DRŽAVNOSTI SRBIJE visoko odlikovanje je od predsednika Aleksandra Vučića u ime Er Srbije primio Branislav Malović, izvršni direktor za odnose sa državnim organima i organizacijama Er Srbije . Na svečanosti održanoj u Palati Srbi- ja pilotima srpske nacionalne avio-kompa- nije Goranu Veličkoviću i Svetislavu Vraniću posthumno je dodeljena zlatna medalja za za- sluge. Odlikovanja su primili članovi porodica preminulih pilota – sin Svetislava Vranića i ćer- ka Gorana Veličkovića. U martu 2020. godine pandemija koronavirusa izazvala je najveću krizu u istoriji svetskog putničkog avio-saobracaja. Iako više od dva meseca nije bilo putničkog avio- saobracaja, srpska nacionalna avio-kompanija nijednog trenutka nije prestala da leti, a svoje ljudske i materijalne resurse stavila je u potpunosti na raspolaganje Vladi Republike Srbije. Između 18. marta i 27. maja Er Srbija je obavila ukupno 204 leta – repatrijacione i evakuacione letove, kojima su u Srbiju vracene na hiljade naših državljana koji su ostali zarobljeni na aerodromima i u zemljama širom sveta, kao i kargo-letove, kojima je u našu zemlju dopremljeno više stotina tona medicinske opreme i materijala. Er Srbija je tokom dva meseca letela od Kine i Seula na istoku do Los Anđelesa na zapadu, a do Kine su obavljene čak 32 rotacije.

Relations Officer Branislav Malović received this high decoration, on behalf of Air Serbia, from Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić. At the award ceremony, which was held at the Palace of Serbia, Air Serbia pilots Goran Veličković and Svetislav Vranić were posthumously awarded the Gold Medal of Merit. These decorations were received on their behalf by members of their families - Svetislav Vranić‘s son and Goran Veličković‘s daughter. The March 2020 outbreak of the Coronavirus Pandemic led to the biggest crisis in the history of commercial aviation worldwide. Although no passenger flights were conducted for over two months, the Serbian national airline didn‘t stop flying for a moment, placing its human and material resources at the full disposal of the Government of the Republic of Serbia. Air Serbia performed a total of 204 flights between 18 th March and 27 th May, including repatriation and evacuation flights – with which the airline brought thousands of our citizens who had been left stranded at airports and in countries around the world back to Serbia – and cargo flights that delivered hundreds of tonnes of medical equipment and materials to our country. Over the course of two months during the state of emergency, Air Serbia flew to China and Seoul in the east and to Los Angeles in the west, preforming as many as 32 rotations between Serbia and China.


Sin pilota Svetislava Vranića prima orden za oca / The son of pilot Svetislav Vranić receives a medal for his father

Ćerka pilota Gorana Veličkovića prima orden za oca / The daughter of pilot Goran Veličković receives a medal for her father

12 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

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