Razglednica /Postcard
LONDON / LONDON Fabrika selfija
BEČ / VIENNA Muzejska četvrt
ZAGREB / ZAGREB Godina čitanja
MUSEUM QUARTER The Vienna museum quarter, Museum- sQuartier, has reopened to visitors who comply with all prescribed measures. Vi- sitors to the Leopold Museum are awai- ted by a new exhibition entitled The Twili- ght of Humanity, which presents works of Austrian modernism created in the peri- od between 1918 and 1938. Two new ex- hibitions have also been prepared by the Kunsthalle Wien exhibition hall, one of whi- ch addresses the relationship between art and cybernetics. This exhibition presents works that use the powerlessness of art— its poverty—vis-à-vis the cybernetic mac- hine to propose counter-models. Muzejska četvrt u Beču opet je otvore- na za posetioce uz poštovanje svih pro- pisanih mera. Tako u muzeju Leopold po- setioce očekuje nova izložba Sumrak čovečanstva , koja predstavlja austrijsku modernu u periodu između 1918. i 1938. godine. Dve nove izložbe pripremila je i galerija Kunsthalle Wien , od kojih se jed- na bavi odnosom između umetnosti i ki- bernetike. Izložba će predstaviti radove u kojima umetnost koristi svoju nemoć i si- romaštvo u odnosu na kibernetičku maši- nu kao osnovu za izradu protivnacrta.
YEAR OF READING Following a year of natural disasters and the pandemic, the Government of Cro- atia has declared 2021 the Year of Rea- ding, during which the entire country will read together under the slogan “Let‘s re- ad not to be left without words”. Accor- dingly, fans of the written word are loo- king forward to the biggest cultural event of the year, the 43 rd Interliber - Internatio- nal Book Fair, which will this year take pla- ce in a new slot, from 23 rd to 28 th March. Participation in this year‘s edition of the fa- ir has already been confirmed by nume- rous exhibitors from the region and arou- nd Europe. Nakon godine prirodnih katastrofa i pan- demije vlada u Hrvatskoj proglasila je 2021. godinom čitanja, u kojoj će cela zemlja či- tati zajedno pod motom „Čitajmo da ne ostanemo bez reči“. Zato ljubitelji pisane reči s nestrpljenjem iščekuju najveći kultur- ni događaj INTERLIBER, 43. Međunarodni sajam knjiga, koji će se održati u novom ter- minu, od 23. do 28. marta. Učešće na saj- mu već su potvrdili brojni izlagači iz regio- na i Evrope.
SELFIE FACTORY West London boasts the Selfie Factory, re- presenting a must-visit place for influen- cers and lovers of Instagram who find themselves in the British capital. Entran- ce to this original exhibition space, which comprises a series of rooms arranged to be visually appealing, colourful and well lit, costs £14 per person. This price allows you to spend an hour taking pictures in unique photo-friendly environments that inclu- de a 50s-style diner booth, a large ball pit filled with pink balls, a huge teddy be- ar corner, a retro bathtub, an armchair in an Astroturf meadow, a classroom and a multicoloured doughnut wall. U zapadnom delu Londona smeštena je Fabrika selfija, koja za influensere i zalju- bljenike u Instagram predstavlja nezao- bilazno mesto prilikom posete britanskoj prestonici. Ovaj originalan prostor sasto- ji se od niza soba sređenih da budu vizu- elno atraktivne, šarene i dobro ostvetlje- ne, a ulaz se naplaćuje 14 funti po osobi. Za tu cenu tokom jednog sata možete da idete i slikate se u separeu restorana ure- đenom u stilu pedesetih godina, velikom bazenu punom ružičastih kuglica, s ogro- mnim plišanim medvedićem, retro kadi, u fotelji na livadi, učionici ili sobi prepunoj šarenih krofni.
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