Od svega 38,4 odsto udela na tržištu u januaru 2019. godine, Er Srbija je za samo dve godine svoj udeo povećala za 15 procenata u odnosu na ukupan broj prevezenih putnika na beogradskom aerodromu
From a market share of just 38.4 per cent in January 2019, Air Serbia has increased its share by almost 15% in just two years, having carried 42 per cent of passengers travelling to and from Nikola Tesla Airport in January 2020
AIR SERBIA TRANSPORTED MORE THAN HALF OF BELGRADE AIRPORT’S PASSENGERS IN JANUARY Air Serbia increased its market share at Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport in January 2021, carrying a total of 53.1 per cent of passengers using the airport's services in the first month of this year.
U junu prošle godine ponovo je uspostavljena linija do Njujorka, na kojoj je nacionalni avio-prevoznik to- kom leta i jeseni obavljao i do pet le- tova nedeljno, uz odličnu popunje- nost putničke kabine. Sa rezultatom od 67 odsto, Er Srbija se u septem- bru našla na prvom mestu po popu- njenosti kapaciteta za prevoz put- nika na Terminalu 4 Međunarodnog aerodroma Džon F. Kenedi u Nju- jorku. U julu 2020. godine, nacional- na avio-kompanija je prepozna- la još jednu poslovnu priliku i pokre- nula novu liniju ka Oslu, koja u ovom trenutku predstavlja jednu od top pet destinacija Er Srbije, uz Cirih, Njujork, Istanbul i Pariz. Zahvaljuju- ći novouspostavljenoj kod-šer sa- radnji sa Turkiš erlajnzom, nacional- na avio-kompanija je od septembra uvela i svakodnevne letove do Istanbula, uz popunjenost putnič- ke kabine od više od 80 odsto. Za- hvaljujući fleksibilnom i agilnom pri- stupu, Er Srbija i u trenutnim teškim okolnostima pojačava frekvencije na određenim rutama, pa je u oktobru do Ciriha obavljala više letova nego pre pandemije – i do 22 leta nedelj- no, odnosno rekordna četiri dnevna leta vikendom. Er Srbija trenutno leti do 27 de- stinacija iz Beograda i jedne iz Niša. Poziciju regionalnog lidera dodat- no je učvrstila pokazujući spremnost da brzo reaguje na sve promene u okruženju. Nekoliko dana pre gaše- nja Adrija ervejza, Er Srbija je pove- ćala frekvencije i kapacitete na le- tovima do Ljubljane, dok je nakon obustave saobraćaja Montenegro erlajnza u decembru 2020. godine isto učinila na linijama za Tivat i Pod- goricu. Er Srbija je trenutno vodeći avio-prevoznik u saobraćaju sa Cr- nom Gorom i omogućava poveza- nost između te zemlje i sveta, preko Beograda.
Rezultat predstavlja
posledicu strateškog planiranja i brzog prilagođavanja promenama na tržištu The result represents an outcome of strategic planning and quickly adapting to all market changes
FROM A MARKET SHARE OF JUST 38.4 PER CENT IN JANUARY 2019, the Serbian national airline has incre- ased its share by almost 15 percen- tage points in just two years, having carried 42 per cent of passengers travelling to and from Nikola Tesla Ai- rport in January 2020. “The recorded result represents an outcome of strategic planning and the quick adapting of traffic to all changes in the market. The previous year was marked by the Coronavirus Pandemic, which led to a significant reduction in air traffic, but Air Ser- bia, even under such circumstances, managed to achieve good results in terms of load factor on a large num- ber of routes,” said Jiri Marek, Air Ser- bia General Manager, Commercial and Strategy. He added that the ce- ssation of Montenegro Airlines fli- ghts had not influenced Air Serbia's results significantly, because that company only had a market share of approximately four per cent at Bel-
grade Nikola Tesla Airport in January 2020. “With its expansive network of direct and code-share destina- tions, Air Serbia contributes to Bel- grade continuing to be the main ga- teway of the entire region to Europe and the world,” said Marek. Air Serbia introduced 10 new destinations from Belgrade alo- ne during the summer of 2019, re- sulting in double digit growth in the number of passengers, as well as all other indicators, in Q3 and Q4 of that year. The most important expansion in the history of the na- tional airline led to a record-brea- king 2.81 million passengers carried in 2019. This growth trend continued in the first few months of 2020, wi- th the number of passengers carried by Air Serbia in January and February 2020 almost 30% higher than in the same period of 2019. Following Air Serbia's re- cord-breaking results in 2019 and strong growth in the number of pa-
Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 47
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