Reč dobrodošlice
Welcome message
Mart 2021. godine
March 2021
Dear passengers,
Dragi putnici,
GODINU DANA JE PROŠLO OD KADA su naši svakodnev- ni životi, naše porodice, poslovi i ceo svet pod uticajem CO- VID-19. Prošle godine, 19. marta, obavestili smo javnost da, usled globalne pandemije korona virusa i posledičnog preki- da međunarodnog putničkog saobraćaja, privremeno obu- stavljamo prevoz putnika. U tom trenutku niko nije mogao da zna da li će se to „privremeno“ meriti danima, nedeljama ili mesecima. Naše merilo u Er Srbiji je broj humanitarnih letova kojima smo dopremali tone ključne medicinske opreme, kao i prevezeni naši građani koje smo bezbedno vratili u zemlju nakon što su ostali zarobljeni na aerodromima širom sveta. Iako je taj period potrajao više od dva meseca, mi nismo prestali da letimo. Stavljajući sve ljudske i materijalne resurse na raspolaganje Vladi
A YEAR HAS PASSED SINCE OUR day to day lives, our fami- lies, work and the world were first impacted by COVID-19. Last year, on 19 th March, we informed the public that, due to the global coronavirus pandemic and the ensuing suspension of international passenger traffic, we would temporarily disconti- nue passenger transport. At that moment, no one knew whet- her ‘temporarily’ would be measured in days, weeks or months. Our measurement at Air Serbia was the number of hu- manitarian flights with which we brought tons of essential medical equipment, as well as our fellow citizens whom we safely repatriated after they were stranded at airports arou- nd the world. Even though this period lasted longer than two months, we did not stop flying. Putting all our human and ma- terial resources at the disposal of the Government of the Re- public of Serbia, we flew even further than ever before - from China and Seoul in the east to Los Angeles in the west. We operated as many as 32 round trips just to China. For our ser- vice to the country, last month we were awarded the Kara- đorđe‘s Star of the Second Degree medal, an honour we are extremely proud of. Since the gradual recommencement of air traffic in May last year, we monitor all changes in travel restrictions on a da- ily basis and adapt our network accordingly. We are re-esta- blishing flights to all destinations where possible and are increasing frequency in accordance with demand. Our stra- tegic planning, flexible and agile approach and quick adapta- tion to changes in the market have yielded results. During the previous year, we have managed to accomplish a good pas- senger load factor on a large number of routes. Not only ha- ve we recommenced and reinforced flights to many existing destinations, we have even introduced new ones during the most challenging period for our industry. In July last year, we added Oslo to the list of our destinations, and also Geneva as of 1 st March of this year. At our home airport, Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport, we have significantly increased our market sha- re, transporting more than half of the passengers to Belgra- de airport in January. Now, exactly a year after the changes that shook even the largest giants of the global aviation industry, we will con- tinue to adapt, evolve and ensure we are agile to market de- mands and customer needs. We have proven that we can deal with the challenges and turn them into opportunities. That gives us the right to optimism and faith that we will suc- cessfully adapt and overcome everything ahead of us, as well as that this period will let us look back and say: “It was diffi- cult, but we did it. Together!”. Enjoy the flight and have a good trip. Be safe and stay he- althy. DUNCAN NAYSMITH, CEO AIR SERBIA
Republike Srbije, leteli smo čak i dalje nego ikada pre – od Kine i Seula na istoku do Los Anđelesa na zapadu. Samo do Kine obavili smo čak 32 rotacije. Za doprinos državi prošlog meseca odlikovani smo Ordenom Karađorđeve zvezde drugog stepena, na šta smo izuzetno ponosni. Od postepene obnove avio-saobraćaja u maju prošle godine, na dnevnom nivou pomno pratimo sve promene u ograničenjima putovanja i prilagođavamo obim saobraćaja. Ponovo uspostavljamo letove do svih destinacija do kojih je to moguće i pojačavamo frekvencije u skladu sa tražnjom. Naše strateško planiranje, fleksibilan
Duncan Naysmith CEO Air Serbia
i agilan pristup i brzo prilagođavanje promenama na tržištu daju rezultate. Tokom prethodnih godinu dana uspeli smo da zabeležimo dobru popunjenost putničke kabine na velikom broju ruta. Ne samo da smo obnovili i pojačali letove na mnogim postojećim linijama nego smo tokom najizazovnijeg perioda za našu industriju uveli i nove. U julu prošle godine smo na listu naših destinacija dodali Oslo, a od 1. marta ove godine i Ženevu. Na matičnom Aerodromu Nikola Tesla značajno smo povećali tržišni udeo i u januaru prevezli više od polovine putnika preko beogradskog aerodroma. Sada, tačno godinu dana nakon promena koje su uzdrmale čak i najveće gigante globalne avio-industrije, nastavićemo da se prilagođavamo, razvijamo i zadržaćemo agilan pristup u vezi sa potražnjom na tržištu i zahtevima putnika. Dokazali smo da možemo da se nosimo sa izazovima i pretvorimo ih u prilike. To nam daje pravo na optimizam i veru da ćemo se uspešno prilagoditi i prevazići sve što nas očekuje, kao i da će nam ovaj period poslužiti kao povod da se osvrnemo i kažemo: „Bilo je teško, ali uspeli smo. Zajedno!“. Uživajte u letu i srećan put. Čuvajte se i ostanite zdravi. DANKAN NEJSMIT, GENERALNI DIREKTOR ER SRBIJE
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