Jovana Sretenović @BONJOURJR
Zadržala bih se na nekom mikrookruženju, gde me inspirišu beogradske dame koje su jedinstvene, pametne, posebne kako po svojim dostugnućima, tako i u stilskom smislu. Vo- lela bih kada bih na ulicama Beograda videla više mladih de- vojaka koje ne bi robovale Instagram trendovima i uniformi- sanosti, već pre učile od starijih generacija, ali i Parižanki ili vršnjakinja iz Njujorka. Njihov je fokus na duge staze na obra- zovanju, ličnoj nezi i sopstvenom stilu, a kao glavni adut isti- ču posebnost i nose ono u čemu se odlično osećaju.
The streets of the Serbian capital are capable of looking like a fashion show catwalk on sunny spring days. We discussed the style of Belgrade’s ladies with influencers and models who represent the fashion expression of this area in the most beautiful way T he pages of fashion journals have dressed Parisiennes. TV series Sex and the City celebrated the for decades been filled with praise for the nonchalance of the best- iconography of fancy lady New Yorkers. Mi- lan lives for fashion throughout the year, so its residents always appear ready to encoun- ter Armani in person. How would our coun- terpart to these authentic styles look? Here the leading influencers of the Serbian fash- ion scene offer their answers to this ques- tion. Belgrade ladies, champions of street style STYLE THAT RIVALS NEW YORK, PARIS AND MILAN
Jasmina Šupeljak @JASMINAINBEL- GRADE Ja sam Beograđan- ka i sebi dajem za pra- vo da budem stroga. Iz mnogo poznatih ra- zloga nismo u mo- gućnosti da parira- mo skandinavskoj ili pariskoj modnoj sce- ni, ali italijansku ulič- nu šijemo! Italijanke su se ušarenile i izgubile onaj classy momenat. Možda zbog ove ne- srećne pandemije... Beograđanke su ne- kako uspele da održe nivo. Čak i sa manje uslova i ponude uspe- le smo da nam stil bu- de svedeniji, a opet zanimljiviji u odnosu na komšinice iz EU.
“I’m a Belgrader and I give myself the right to be exacting. For many well-known reasons, we aren’t in a position to rival the Scandinavian or Parisian fashion scenes, but we certainly beat the Italian street scene! Italians have variegated themselves and lost that classy element. Perhaps because of this unfortunate pandemic... Belgrade’s ladies have somehow succeeded in maintaining that level. Even with reduced conditions and offers, we’ve managed to make our style more minimised, and yet more interesting compared to our neighbours from the EU.”
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