10 QUARTIER DES GROTTES Les Grottes might clash with your notions of Geneva as a classy and orderly city, given that this quarter is chaotic, young and bohemian. It first became the home of anarchist communes and squats back in the 1960s, and although Les Grottes has been gentrified in recent years it is still a very affordable place to live considering its close proximity to the city centre. Explore this area’s cafes, theatres, cinemas and left-field independent shops, but also to see Les Schtroumpfs – the ‘Smurf Town’ Quartier des Grottes Les Grottes bi značajno mogao da pokvari vašu ideju o Že- nevi kao otmenom i uređenom gradu jer je ovaj kvart hao- tičan, mlad i boemski. Od šezdesetih godina prošlog veka bio je dom anarhističkih komuna i skvotova, a iako je po- slednjih godina gentrifikovan, i dalje je vrlo povoljno mesto za život, s obzirom na to da je centar veoma blizu. Istraži- te ovo područje kako biste pronašli kafice, pozorišta, bio- skope, nezavisne prodavnice, kao i Les Schtroumpfs . To su stambeni blokovi iz osamdesetih sa vijugavim šarenim fa- sadama koji izgledaju kao da ih je projektovao sam Gaudi. Ovaj kvart Ženeve je haotičan, mlad i boemski This quarter of geneva is chaotic, young and bohemian
Jedna desetina svih stanovnika Ženeve živi u ovom kvartu blizu centra A tenth of all Genevans live in this neighbourhood near the city centre
housing blocks built in the 1980s with sinuous colourful facades that look as though they could have been designed by Gaudí himself.
Les Schtroumpfs blokovi izgledaju kao da ih je projektovao sam Gaudi Les Schtroumpfs housing blocks look as though they could have been designed by Gaudí himself
Geneva » Ženeva | 69
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