Sirmijum je vrhunac doživeo u 3. veku naše ere, kada je bio proglašen za jednu od prestonica carstva / Sirmium reached its peak in the third century AD, when it was proclaimed one of the capitals of the then Roman Empire
SIRMIUM Archaeological excavations of ancient Sirmium have been conducted sys- tematically since 1957, when con- struction works led to the discovery of the remains of the Im-
S. Mitrovica
perial Palace that was the seat of power gov- erning a large area, stretching from today’s Budapest to the Greek
island of Crete. The structure was built between the end of
the 3 rd century and the beginning of the 4 th cen- tury. Its origins are linked to
the period of the Tetrarchy and the reforms of Emperor Diocletian, which led to the establishing of various seats of power beyond the traditional cap- ital of Rome. The complex was locat- ed in the south-eastern part of the city, alongside the River Sava, and occupied an area of approximately 20 hectares. Some of Sirmium’s most representa- tive and best preserved mosaics were found there, as well as frescoes, archi- tectural decorations and installations of underfloor heating systems. Excavations have enabled the discov- er of an extremely rich residential and administrative centre, with numerous palaces, bathhouses, temples, streets and squares, which formed the urban
Sirmijum Arheološka istraživanja antičkog Sirmi- juma sistematski se obavljaju od 1957. godine, kada su prilikom nekih građe- vinskih radova otkriveni ostaci carske palate, iz koje se upravljalo velikim pro- stranstvom, od današnje Budimpešte do grčkog ostrava Krita. Građevinski kompleks podignut je krajem 3. i po- četkom 4. veka. Njegov nastanak ve- zan je za period tetrarhije i reforme im- peratora Dioklecijana, koje su dovele do osnivanja raznih sedišta vlasti van glavnog grada Rima. Kompleks je bio smešten u jugoistočnom delu grada uz reku Savu i zauzimao je prostor od oko 20 hektara. Tu su pronađeni neki od najreprezentativnijih i najbolje očuva- nih mozaika Sirmijuma, zatim fresko i arhitektonske dekoracije, kao i instala- cije sistema podnog grejanja. Istraživanja su omogućila da se otkri- je izuzetno bogat stambeni i admini- strativni centar, s mnogobrojnim pala- tama, kupatilima, hramovima, ulicama i trgovima, koji su činili jezgro rimskog grada koji je od 1. do 4. veka bio znača- jan administrativni i ekonomski centar provincije Panonija Sekunda i moćno vojno uporište za odbranu od nadiru- ćih varvara. Nekada moćni rimski grad Sirmijum rodni je grad čak petorice rimskih careva, a ostaci carske palate, akvadukta, gradskih vila i tvrđava po-
core of the Roman city that served, from the 1 st to the 4 th centuries, as a significant ad- ministrative and economic centre of the province of Pan- nonia Secunda and a pow- erful military stronghold to defend against invading bar- barians. Once a powerful Ro- man city and centre of com- merce, Sirmium was the birthplace of as many as five Roman emperors, and the re- covered remains of the im- perial palace, aqueduct, city villas and fortresses provide
visitors with the opportunity to expe- rience the atmosphere of one of the four capitals of the Roman Empire that thrived on the territory of today’s Srem- ska Mitrovica until the year 582, when it was forced to surrender under the on- slaught of the Avars.
setiocima pružaju mogućnost da ose- te atmosferu jedne od četiri prestoni- ce Rimskog carstva, koja je cvetala na prostoru današnje Sremske Mitrovice sve do 582. godine, kada je pod nale- tom Avara bila prisiljena da se preda.
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