Elevate March 2021 | Air Serbia



Samsung Galaxy SmartTag Univerzalan odgovor na pitanje „gde mi je...?“ dolazi iz ove kom- panije u vidu sitnog saveznika koji će uspešno locirati zaturene ključeve, zalutali prtljag ili odbeglog kućnog ljubimca. Privezak funkcioniše principom BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) i aplikacijom Smart Things , koja je kompatibilna sa samsung galaxy smartfo- nima i tabletima u radijusu od najviše 120 metara. SAMSUNG GALAXY SMARTTAG A universal answer to the question “Where are my ...?” has arrived in the form of this tiny aid that will successfully locate your lost keys, misplaced luggage or runaway pet. The tag functions on the principle of BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) and the Smart Things application, which is compatible with Samsung Galaxy smartphones and tablets within a maximum range of 120 metres.

Google Pixel 5 Google u ring sa Appleovim iPhoneom (ali i osta- lim android igračima na tržištu) ulazi istražujući pune mo- gućnosti tržišnog odnosa cene i kvaliteta. I to je baš dobro odabran adut. Za svakoga ko je upravo u potrazi za novim telefonom Google Pixel 5 je tu da impresionira dizajnom, probudi radoznalost unapređenim karakteristikama, a obraduje pristupačnošću. Kamera koja impresionira i baterija koja traje biće saveznik na svakom putovanju. GOOGLE PIXEL 5

Google enters the ring to do battle with Apple’s iPhone (and all other Android players on the market) by exploring the full possibilities of the market ratio between price and quality – a very well-chosen ace in the hole. For anyone who’s currently seeking a new phone, the Google Pixel

Life will certainly

5 is here to impress with its design, awaken curiosity with its enhanced features, and bring delight with its affordability. Its impressive camera and long-life battery are also sure to be allies on every journey.

change even more, thanks largely to the advancement of technology

Fujifilm GFX 100S Uprkos tome što najveći broj fotografija danas nasta- je zahvaljujući telefonu, pra- vi svetski putnici poznaju uži- tak da se zadivljujući prizori ovekoveče impozantnom ka- merom. Fujifilm , jedan od pi- onira u ovoj oblasti, nedavno je predstavio svoju najnovi- ju kameru srednjeg forma- ta. GFX 100S (manji nasled- nik njihove mega popularne kamere GFX 100 iz 2019) lak- ši je, kompaktniji i pristupač- niji po ceni.

FUJIFILM GFX 100S Despite the fact that most photos are now shot using phones,

genuine globe trotters recognise the pleasure of immortalising stunning scenes with an impressive camera. Fujifilm, one of the pioneers in this field, recently presented its latest medium format camera. The GFX 100S (a smaller successor to the ultra popular 2019 GFX 100) is lighter, more compact and more affordable.

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