OSIM PASOŠA I NOVCA, KOJE TRI STVARI UVEK NOSIŠ NA PUT? – Komfornu garderobu, veći kofer ako putujem u mesto koje je fenomenalno za šoping i medika- mente, za svaki slučaj.
APART FROM YOUR PASSPORT AND MONEY, WHICH THREE THINGS DO YOU ALWAYS TAKE ON YOUR TRAVELS? - Comfortable clothing, a larger suitcase if I’m travelling to a place that’s great for shop- ping, and medicines, just in case.
WHAT INTERESTS YOU MORE WHEN YOU VISIT NEW PLACES – PEOPLE OR LANDMARKS? - When I was younger it was people, because I could see the sights on the Na- tional Geographic Channel. But the old- er I get the more attention I pay to daily tourism and more studious consideration of monumental buildings. For example, al- though I’ve been to Paris a hundred times, in the last two years I went there as a tour- ist and discovered some beautiful places and buildings that I hadn’t even noticed previously. DO YOU RECALL YOUR FIRST TRIP ABROAD? - It was a trip to Greek coast with my parents, and later, while working on the “City” show, I toured Europe numerous times. From America to Hong Kong, we did interviews with the biggest stars of the time, and that was the main benefit of my job at that time.
ŠTA TI JE ZANIMLJIVIJE KAD OBILAZIŠ NOVA MESTA – LJUDI ILI ZNAMENITOSTI? – Dok sam bio mlađi, to su bili lju- di, jer sam znamenitosti mogao da vi- dim i na kanalu National Geographic . Ali što sam stariji, više pažnje pokla- njam dnevnom turizmu i studioznije posmatram monumentalne građevi- ne. Na primer, iako sam u Parizu bio 100 puta, poslednje dve godine tamo sam išao turistički i otkrio sam neka prelepa mesta i zgrade koje ranije uop- šte nisam primećivao. SE AŠ LI SE SVOG PRVOG PUTOVANJA U INOSTRANSTVO? – Bilo je to putovanje u Grčku sa roditeljima na more, a kasnije sam ra- deći emisiju City obišao Evropu više puta. Od Amerike do Hongkonga ra- dili smo intervjue sa najvećim zvez- dama u to vreme i to je bio glavni be- nefit mog tadašnjeg posla.
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