D ok hodam gradom, nesvesno gledam ljude kroz kadrove, lovim svetlost, uvek jednom rukom na aparatu, spreman da okinem. Desi se da neku fotografiju sanjam i jurim, ali ne mogu da je uhvatim. A desi se da jedna obična greška dovede do nečega što mi nikada pre nije palo na pamet. Mogao bih da vas lažem da sam imao plan i da sam se po-
A s I walk through the city, I unconscious- ly watch people through frames, on the hunt for light, always with one hand on my camera, ready to pull the trigger. It can happen that I dream of a photo and chase it, but I just can’t capture it. And it can hap-
trudio da ga ostvarim. Nije bilo tako. Jednog sam kišnog dana prosto lutao ulicama sa apa- ratom preko ramena. Da vas ne opterećujem tehničkim detaljima, nekako sam nehoteći produžio ekspoziciju. Kada sam nedugo za- tim hteo da fotografišem zanimljiv bicikl na kiši, čuo sam taj zvuk i znao sam da sam upr- skao fotku. Ali kada sam je video... Imala je kolorit kao ulje na platnu ili akva- rel, delovala je kao da sam je uradio četkicom. Nije neobično da se slike i fotografije prepli- ću jer koriste isti jezik, vizuelnu komunikaci- ju, geometriju, boje, izraze, svetlo... Stalno jed- ni od drugih učimo, fotografi od slikara, ali i oni od nas. Podsetila me je ta greškom na- stala fotografija na moj omiljeni pravac, na impresionizam. Naravno, odmah sam želeo da ih bude još. Druga je bila najbitnija. Kao što je prva nastala greškom, tako je druga nastala jer sam imao sreće. Uradio sam je iz prvog pokušaja. Za- tekao se na tom mestu u to vreme. Kasnije sam pokušavao da uradim nešto slično, ali
pen that an ordinary mistake leads to some- thing that never previously occurred to me. I could lie and tell you that I had a plan and strived to make it happen. That wasn’t the case. I was just wandering the streets one rainy day with my camera over my shoul- der. Not to burden you with the technical details, I somehow extended the exposure without wanting to. When a short time later I wanted to photograph an interesting bicy- cle in the rain, I heard that sound and knew I’d sprayed the photo. But when I saw it... It had colouring like oil on canvas or watercolour, it appeared as though I’d done it with a brush. It’s not unusual for pictures and photos to overlap, because they use the same language of visual communication,
Nije neobično da se slike i fotografije prepliću jer koriste isti jezik It’s not unusual for pictures and photos to overlap, because they use the same language
geometry, colours, expressions, light etc. We photographers constantly learn from painters, but they also learn from us. This photograph created by mistake reminded me of my favourite artistic direction, impressionism. Of course, I immediately wanted there to be more. The second was the most important. Just as the first was made by mistake, the second was created because I was lucky. I created it at the first attempt. I found myself in the right
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