Elevate April 2018 | Air Serbia



Palata Beograd ili, od milošte prozvana Beograđanka , izgrađena je sedam- desetih po projektu čuvenog arhitekte Branka Pešića kao najviša zgrada u Be- ogradu. Možda je do danas sa svojih 100 metara pala na treće mesto po visini, ali teško da novobeogradski soliteri mogu da je nadmaše po šarmu, pričama koje su ugrađene u njene spratove i značaju koji ima za svoje sugrađane. Među najzaslužnijima je svakako legendarni Duško Radović, koji je godinama na ta- lasima Studija B sa vrha Beograđanke podsećao na magiju Beograda kultnom radio-emisijom Beograde, dobro jutro . „Ko je imao sreće da se jutros probudi u Beogradu, može se smatrati da je za danas dovoljno postigao u životu. Svako dalje insistiranje na još nečemu bilo bi neskromno“. Još se te čika Duškove re- či čuju dok prolazite pored Beograđanke . The Palace of Belgrade, known affectionately as Beograđanka, the Belgrade lady, was built in the 1970s, based on the project of famous architect Branko Pešić, as the tall- est building in Belgrade. Today, with its 100 metres, it may have “fallen” to third place in terms of height, but it would be tough for the skyscrapers of New Belgrade to out- do it in terms of charm, the stories embedded in its floors and the significance it car- ries for its fellow Belgraders. Among the most deserving is certainly the legendary Duško Radović, who spent years broadcasting over the airwaves for Studio B from the top of the Belgrade Lady, reminding of Belgrade’s magic with his cult radio show “Belgrade, Good Morning”. “Whoever was fortunate enough to wake up in Belgrade this morning can consider that they’ve achieved enough in life for today. Any further insistence on anything else would be immodest.” These words of uncle Duško can still be heard as you walk past the Belgrade Lady.

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