Elevate January 2021 | Air Serbia


Shakespeare shaped me, but it’s too early for King Lear Acting has been an oasis, support and encouragement for me in all periods of crisis. Both in the '90s, as a way of fleeing the wars and bombing, and now for escaping the pandemic... No matter what a day is like for me, when I don a costume I discard all my private problems and act with all my heart D uring the time when he was growing up on the boards of theatres, the classics had returned to Belgrade. He was awaited by Shakespeare, Moliere and Chekhov, and they forever determined his work as an ac- tor, but also as a man. Contributing perhaps even more

se radi ništa drugo. Radili ste u velikom broju stranih produk- cija u proteklom periodu – kinesko-srp- ski film Belgrade Escape , hrvatski Tereza 33 , američku seriju Predstraža , u Londonu film Mafijaševa žena telohranitelj sa Raja- nom Rejnoldsom i Salmom Hajek… Kako je raditi sa strancima iz različitih kulturnih i geografskih sredina? – Nikad mi Amerika nije bila prioritet. Sa Salmom Hajek, Rajanom Rejnoldsom i Semjuelom L. Džek- sonom sam imao malu ulogu u filmu Mafijaševa že- na telohranitelj , tek će biti u našim bioskopima. Što su veća imena u svom poslu, prirodniji su i sponta- niji. Neki su znali šta sam dotad glumio, a neki ne. Džejms Ajvori i njegov producent Merčant, Indijac, ostali su mi u lepom sećanju. I Salma je divna, tem- peramentna je i kad kamere nisu uključene. Ipak, me- ni je veće zadovoljstvo bilo da ovde igram sa Petrom Kraljem ili Ljubom Tadićem nego da se nađem u ka- dru sa svetskim zvezdama. To su bile poslastice, kao epizode, a sve u Srbiji i regionu bilo je značajnije za mene kao glumca. U Londonu ste bili više od tri godine. Kako pamtite život u Engleskoj i da li vam je žao što ste se vratili? – Kada sam se vratio iz Londona, shvatio sam da želim da mi baza uvek bude Beograd, sa povremenim

radnim izletima u inostranstvo. Često mi ne- dostaje miris aerodroma Hitrou. U Srbiji je sve moje najdraže, a i najveću širinu, slobo- du i emociju ostvarujem na maternjem jeziku. Popularnost na globalnom nivou vas nije fascinirala... – Šta se dešava iza zvezdanih staza glu- maca je veliko pitanje. U Londonu sam upo- znao jednog manje poznatog glumca koji ni- je verovao koliko sam klasičnog repertoara u teatru svaki dan igrao u Srbiji. Pitao me je šta uopšte radim u Londonu?! On će, verovatno, glumački vek provesti igrajući neke uloge, ali mu se neće pružiti prilika za vrhunski klasični repertoar. U Bristolu sam igrao neku epizod- nu rolu u jednoj medicinarskoj seriji. Jedan od glavnih glumaca bio je zapanjen kad je čuo da me u Beogradu čeka uloga Hamleta. Ose- tio sam njegovu zavist pred tom činjenicom, od njegovih šansi za tu ulogu tako daleko... Sve češće bežite u svoj rodni kraj, bli- zu rodne Loznice imate vikendicu… – Majka mi živi tamo. Drina je moja reka, odrastao sam pored nje i obožavam je. Imao sam bezbrižno i lepo detinjstvo. Kad me pre- poznaju, zovu me Kića, po mom prvom nadim- ku, koji se nije preneo u Beograd. Mogao bih da za nekoliko godina odem tamo da živim, a da automobilom dolazim u Beograd da glumim.

to his acting virtues were the likes of Mira Stupi- ca, Ljuba Tadić, Petar Kralj et al. Today he‘s car- rying that torch onwards, lighting the way for some new kids. And although he has achieved many great roles on TV and in films in Serbia and around the world, alongside the biggest stars, the- atre remains forever his first and greatest love… “30 years ago, when I was a novice, we grew up in a theatre where our older colleagues raised us to make the theatre our second home, the base of everything. To dig down to the essence of our being, character, body... From the plays The Robbers and Epiphany Night, my work at the Yugoslav Drama Theatre began thanks to Jovan Ćirilov, the then manager of the theatre who fortunately gave me a chance on that stage as a beginner. And my first association with that theatre is forever as “my second home”. That theatre created me as an actor. You‘ve played Hamlet, Tartuffe, Romeo... Are you ready for King Lear? - It is still too early for him, As Lear, all three of my daughters should be grown up... Shake- speare shaped me a lot, so I would complete my Shakespeare repertoire towards the end of my career with King Lear. Shakespeare is the most demanding and gratifying for almost every actor, myself included. Every day I remember some

Sa Entonijem Hopkinsom sam proveo nekoliko filmskih dana. Divan tip. Pričali smo i o Šekspiru. Pitao sam ga da li mu nedostaje pozorište i iznenadio me je odgovorom da mu ne nedostaje jer mu je dosta pozorišnih helanki! / I spent a few filming days with Anthony Hopkins. He's a wonderful guy. We also spoke about Shakespeare. I asked him if he missed the theatre and he surprised me by saying that he didn't miss it because he'd had enough of wearing theatre tights!

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