THE MOST BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS CUSTOMS Christ is born! He is truly born! The birth of Jesus Christ is always celebrated on 7 th January according to the Gregorian calendar, and the time around Christmas represents the most beautiful and festive period throughout the year – the holiday of children and families C hristmas Eve is celebrated on the sixth day of Jan- uary, which is also the last and strictest day of Christmas fasting. The
Božić, zvone zvona na pravoslav- nim hramovima najavljujući do- lazak Božića. Domaćica ustaje pre svih i od testa pravi pogaču koja se zove česnica i u nju stavlja nov- čić. Ljudi se pozdravljaju rečima: „Hristos se rodi!“, i otpozdravlja- ju: „Vaistinu se rodi!“. Zatim u ku- ću dolazi položajnik, koji upuću- je lepe želje domu i ukućanima, a domaćica ga daruje pripremljenim poklonom. Položajnik simbolizuje mudrace sa istoka, koji su prate- ći zvezdu došli da se poklone no- vorođenom Isusu. Veruje se da je položajnik osoba koja će cele go- dine donositi sreću u kuću. Česnica se lomi na onoliko de- lova koliko ima ukućana. Veruje se da će onoga ko dobije deo sa novčićem sreća pratiti tokom či- tave godine. Ukućani potom česti- taju jedni drugima Božić i sedaju za mrsnu, bogatu trpezu, na ko- joj se, osim česnice, nalazi i peče- nica, kao i razne đakonije koje je pripremila domaćica. Sa proslavljanjem Božića po- vezana su još neka narodna vero- vanja. Trebalo bi da se pomire svi oni koji su tokom godine bili u sva- đi, da se posle ručka simbolično započne neki posao kako bi ljudi cele godine bili vredni, praznik se proslavlja u krugu porodice, a tr- peza se ne rasprema od Badnje ve- čeri do Svetog Stefana (9. janua- ra), baš kao što se i kuća ne čisti. Hristos se rodi!
Early on the morning of Christmas Day, bells ring in Orthodox church- es to announce the arrival of Christ- mas. The lady of the house is the first to rise, and she uses dough to bake a special round ceremonial bread loaf with a coin inside that is called Česni- ca. People greet each other with the words: “Christ is born!” and the re- sponse: “He is truly born!”. Next the first passer-by arrives at the house, bringing good wishes to the home and members of the household, and receiving a prepared gift from the la- dy of the house. The passer-by sym- bolises the sages from the east, who followed the Christmas Star to come to worship the newborn Jesus. It is believed that the passer-by is some- one who will bring happiness into the house for the entire year ahead. The Česnica bread is broken into as many parts as there are household members. It is believed that the one who receives the coin will have good luck throughout the year. The family members then congratulate each oth- er on the arrival of Christmas and sit to eat a rich and meaty spread that includes, apart from Česnica, roast meat and various delicacies. There are also some other folk beliefs connected to the celebration of Christmas. All those who’ve quar- relled during the year should reconcile their differences, some work should be symbolically started after lunch, to ensure that the people are diligent throughout the year, the holiday is cel- ebrated in the circle of the family and the table is not cleared from Christ- mas Eve until St. Stephen’s Day, nor is the house cleaned. Christ is born!
day is named Badnjak in Serbian, af- ter the oak sapling that is cut down by the head of the household before dawn on the morning of Christmas Eve. After choosing an appropriate tree, the host turns eastwards, cross- es himself and prays to God, takes an axe and cuts the Christmas tree down with the third chop. When he brings the Christmas tree home, he stands it up next to the front door, where it stays until the evening, when it is brought into the house. The celebration of Christmas Eve begins with the introducing of the badnjak into the home. The host also brings in straw, imitates the clucking of chickens and sprinkles the straw around the house, while the children follow him while clucking. The straw is brought in to symbolise the straw on the floor of the cave where Jesus was born. After bringing the oak sapling, straw and roast meat into the home, the entire family gathers around the table, says a prayer, con- gratulates each other on the arrival of Christmas Eve and sits down at the table for a feast consisting of various dried fruits, bread, beans, fish and other Lenten dishes. On the night between Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, Father Christ- mas [Božić Bata – Christmas Brother] brings special joy to children. Before heading to bed, they place their boots in the windows where Božić Bata will leave them presents during the night.
Na Božić bi trebalo da se pomire svi oni koji su tokom godine bili u svađi All those who’ve quarrelled during the year should reconcile their differences at Christmas
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