Elevate November 2017 | Air Serbia


Zagreb Koncert Brajana Adamsa Brajan Adams je jedan od onih izvođača koje slušamo celog života, a njegove pesme Everything I Do, Run to You, Please Forgive Me i mnoge druge su hitovi za sva vremena. Na radost mnogobrojne publike iz regiona, 9. novembra održaće koncert u zagrebačkoj Areni, na kojem će pevati i pesme sa novog albuma Get Up. Poznati kanadski roker dobitnik je mnogih nagrada, a iza sebe ima zavidnu karijeru dugu više od 35 godina, kao i 100 miliona prodatih albuma. London Vožnja kajakom po Temzi Atrakcije u kojima turisti u britanskoj prestonici mogu da uživaju su mnogobrojne, a poslednja u nizu je vožnja kajakom po reci Temzi. Firma Flash Pack , koja ima dugu istoriju organizovanja avanturističkih putovanja, odlučila je da turistima ponudi ovu uzbudljivu vožnju, čiji je krajnji cilj pab. Naime, vožnja traje sat i po i nakon nje stižete do pivnice Crate , u kojoj vas čeka okrepljenje u obliku piva i pice. Ova avantura koštaće vas 56 funti i za nju vam nije potrebna nikakva posebna oprema.

Zagreb Brian Adams concert Brian Adams is one of those artists who we’ve spent our whole lives listening to, and his songs like “Everything I Do”, “Run to you”, “Please forgive me” and many others, are timeless hits. To the joy of many people in the region, on 9 th November he will perform at the Zagreb Arena, reciting famous songs and tracks from his latest album, “Get Up”. This famous Canadian rocker has received many awards in an envious 35-year career that has seen him sell as many as 100 million copies of his albums.

Er Srbija leti 10 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Zagreb

Air Serbia flies 10 times a week from Belgrade to Zagreb


Kayaking on the Thames

There are countless attractions for tourists to enjoy in the British capital, and one of the latest is kayaking along the River Thames. Company Flash Pack, which has a long history of organising adventure trips, is offering tourists this exciting trip, which has a pub at the finish line. The ride lasts an hour and finishes upon arrival at the “Crate” craft beer brewery, where you will be awaited by refreshments in the form of beer and pizza. This adventure will cost you £56 and requires no special equipment.

Er Srbija leti 7 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za London

Air Serbia flies 7 times a week from Belgrade to London

MIRKOVIĆ INVEST: LUKSUZNI STANOVI SA TOPLINOM PORODIČNOG DOMA „Mirković invest“ je sagradio objekte na Vračaru koji svojom dina- mičnom arhitektonskom formom i elegantnom materijalizacijom upotpunjuju ambijentalne celine i u našu prestonicu donose vizuru i duh pariskih bulevara. Autentične ambijentalne celine ovog otmenog kvarta Beograda predstavljaju najatraktivnije lokacije starog dela gra- da, a glavna smernica koja definiše arhitekturu objekta jesu elegan- cija i prefinjenost.

MIRKOVIĆ INVEST: LUXURY FLATS WITH THE WARMTH OF A FAMILY HOME Mirković Invest has built properties in Vračar that complement the ambiance of the whole with their dynamic architectural form and elegant materialisation, bringing to our capital city the vision and spirit of Parisian boulevards. The authentic ambience of this refined Belgrade quarter represents the most attractive locations of the

old part of the city, while the main guideline defin- ing the property’s architecture is precisely elegance and sophistication. Mirković Invest is best known to the general pub- lic as an investment company that stands out due to its completely different approach to construct- ing multi-storey residential buildings that exude the intimate atmosphere and warmth of a fami- ly house. With the quality of buildings in the con- struction sense, the use of modern technologies and exclusive materials, company Mirković Invest places on the real estate market functional housing units adapted to modern life in attractive urban lo- cations and offered at economical prices.

Široj javnosti je „Mirković invest“ poznat kao investitorska kompanija koja se ističe pot- puno drugačijim pristupom izgradnji više- spratnih stambenih objekata koji odišu in- timnom atmosferom i toplinom porodične kuće. Kvalitet objekata u građevinskom smi- slu, upotrebu savremenih tehnologija, kori- šćenje plemenitih materijala, funkcionalne stambene jedinice prilagođene modernom životu na atraktivnim gradskim lokacijama kompanija „Mirković invest“ plasira na trži- šte nekretnina po ekonomskoj ceni.

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