T he most wanted Belgrade DJ star, a girl who performs almost every night in some world-famous club, began her career on television as a journalist, reporter and, later, editor and producer. Thanks to her contacts with in- ternational musicians and DJs, whom she interviewed for years, Tijana opened the door that many fantasise about – during the course of last year she performed in Europe and America, in Moscow, Beirut, Tel Aviv, Tbilisi, Seoul, Tokyo, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, India and Colombia. The cru- cial juncture for her career was her Boiler Room set at the MAD In Belgrade festival.
Being a DJ means a lot of work during the day, preparing music and sets; we don’t come to parties like other guests muzike i setova, mi ne dolazimo na zabave kao ostali gosti Biti di-džej znači i mnogo rada tokom dana i pripremanja
- Boiler Room is an internet video for- mat where DJs perform on specially de- signed events intended exclusively for broadcast. The team of the MAD In Bel- grade festival provided huge support to local DJs, including myself, among oth- ers, and that set quickly gained worldwide popularity. I then started receiving invita- tions for international appearances and several agents expressed their interest in representing me. I was lucky enough to be able to choose a Berlin agency that was the best for me and my sensibility, and now we are obviously collaborating successfully – reveals Tijana.
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