Er Srbija u fokusu / Air Serbia close up
Đorđe Vukotić, viši menadžer globalne prodaje Er Srbije, i Biljana Stanivuković, 2.550.000. putnica Er Srbije u 2016. godini na Aerodromu „Nikola Tesla“. Djordje Vukotić, Head of Global Sales at Air Serbia, and Biljana Stanivuković, Air Serbia’s 2.55 millionth passenger in 2016, at Nikola Tesla Airport.
Elevate Play sve popularniji “Elevate Play” continues to grow in popularity
A ir Serbia’s free inflight entertain- ment app, Elevate Play, has attracted strong interest and great reviews from air travellers. Since being launched in June, the innovative service has received an aggregate review score of 4.6 out of 5 stars on the Google Play store, with thousands of downloads in that time. Elevate Play allows travellers to en- joy hundreds of hours of films, TV shows and music over a free wireless network on flights operated by the A319 and A320 aircraft. It is available for Android and Apple devices as well as laptops.
B esplatna aplikacija Er Srbije za zabavu tokom leta, Elevate Play , privukla je veliko interesovanje putnika, koji su je odlično ocenili. Otkako je pokrenuta u junu, ova inovativna usluga je od mogućih pet dobila ukupnu ocenu od 4,6 zvezdica na Gugl plej storu i preuzeta je više hiljada puta za to vreme. Elevate Play obezbeđuje putnici- ma da uživaju u stotinama sati filmo- va, serija i muzike, preko besplatne vaj-faj konekcije na letovima avionima erbas A319 i A320 . Aplikacija je dos- tupna za android i Apple uređaje, kao i laptopove.
A ir Serbia handled its 2.55
millionth guest in 2016 on 16 th
December, surpassing the record passenger milestone achieved during the entire year of 2015. The lucky passenger, Biljana Stanivuković, was presented with two return Economy Class tickets to any destination on Air Serbia’s short-haul network after checking in for the air- line’s morning flight, JU380, from Bel- grade to London Heathrow. Dane Kondić, Chief Executive Of- ficer of Air Serbia, said: “Our traffic growth has been driven by the expan- sion of our network in Europe and to North America, and it is especially pleasing to see both our new and es- tablished routes performing well. Sus- tainable growth has always been at the forefront of our business devel- opment strategy at Air Serbia and we will continue to focus on fulfilling this mandate as we enter the new year.” The Serbian flag carrier launched five new routes in 2016, expanding its network to 44 destinations. This in- cluded its first transatlantic service, New York, as well as Hamburg, Kiev, Ohrid and St Petersburg.
Obuka pilota i za erbas flotu Pilot training capacity boosted on Airbus fleet
ir Serbia has strengthened its pilot training capacity by gaining appro- val to conduct type rating training on the Airbus A320 and A330 aircraft. As an Appro- A
r Srbija je proširila kapacitete za obuku svojih pilota nakon što je do- bila saglasnost da sprovodi obuku i za avi- one tipa erbas A320 i A330. Sa dobije- nim statusom Er Srbija će E
ved Training Or- ganisation (ATO), Air Serbia is able to prepare pilots for the certificati- ons they need to become a first of- ficer or capta- in on its modern jet fleet, as well as
moći da pripre- ma svoje pilote za sticanje serti- fikata koji su im
neophodni da bi postali kopi- loti ili kapetani u modernoj floti mlaznjaka nacionalne avio-kompanije, kao i da sprovodi Cross Crew Qualification (CCQ), dodatnu obuku za pilote koji pre- laze sa aviona A320 na veći A330. Kapetani Goran Nižić i Nenad Mitić prvi su piloti Er Srbije koji su završili tu obuku na avionu Er Srbije A320.
deliver Cross Crew Qualification (CCQ) training for pilots’ transitioning from the A320 to the larger A330 aircraft. Captains Goran Nižić and Nenad Mi- tić are the first pilots to undergo Synthe- tic Flight Instructor training on the A320 aircraft with Air Serbia.
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