Elevate January 2017 | Air Serbia

Er Srbija u fokusu / Air Serbia close up

Air Serbia enhances onboard amenity kits Novi setovi za higijenu

he first aviation summit in Sout- heast Europe (South East Aviati-


r Srbija je na svojim dugim letovima uvela set za brija-


on Summit - SEAS) was held at Belgra- de’s Crowne Plaza Hotel on 13 th and 14 th December 2016 and included the parti- cipation of the most important national carriers and a large number of establis- hed international airlines, airports and aviation institutions, with more than three hundred attendees. The guest of honour was Etihad Aviation Group Pre- sident and CEO James Hogan, whi- le the meeting was opened by a welco- me address delivered by Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Air Serbia and Mayor of Belgrade Siniša Mali, with Air Serbia CEO Dane Kondić taking part in the opening panel discussion. The reason that the gathering was held in Belgrade was because our city is quickly becoming a major hub of com- mercial aviation in Southeast Europe and the Balkans, a fact attested to by the 2015 prediction of the International Air Transport Association – IATA that Ser- bia will be the fastest growing aviation market over the next two decades. Ac- cording to its estimates, our country will experience annual passenger growth of eight per cent, with the number dou- bling every ten years. Mayor Mali used this opportunity to talk about the long tradition of aviation in Serbia and the first flight which was operated in 1910, noting that our coun- try has always been a driver of aviation growth in the region. Today Air Serbia contributes more than 200 million do- llars to the Serbian economy through its core operations and 800 million throu- gh tourism-related spending. EAG President and CEO Hogan spoke about the Etihad Airways Par-

nje u biznis klasi. Gosti koji putuju od Beograda do Njujorka sada od kabinske posade mogu da zahteva- ju komplet za brijanje, koji uključu- je brijač i kremu za brijanje visokog kvaliteta. Setovi za higijenu biznis kla- se avio-kompanije sadrže kolekciju osnovnih putnih predmeta i prirod- nih proizvoda za negu kože upako- vanih u modernu tamnoplavu tor- bicu od neoprena, koja se takođe može koristiti i kao futrola za iPad i čiji je dizajn inspirisan dvoglavim orlom Er Srbije . Prirodni balsam za usne i hidrator za kožu osmislio je luksuzni brend Skaramuš + Fandan- go , a u komplet su, uz pakovanje za spavanje, uključene udobne čarape i maska za oči, kao i pakovanje za negu zuba i čepići za uši.

Siniša Mali, predsednik Nadzornog odbora Er Srbije Siniša Mali, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Air Serbia

Predsednik i generalni direktor EAG-a Džejms Hogan Etihad Aviation Group President and CEO James Hogan


tners group, the benefits it brings to member airlines and Air Serbia’s specta- cular transformation into one of Euro- pe’s leading boutique airlines. Air Serbia CEO Kondić took part in a panel discussion focusing on the avia- tion industry outlook in Southeast Eu- rope. He said that the transformation of the national airline of Serbia since Octo- ber 2013 until this day has been extra- ordinary: “Our owners set goals that the executive management team and em- ployees had to fulfil. We succeeded and today we can be proud of that. As the crowning glory of our success, in 2016 our first A330 wide-bodied plane arrive and we began flying to New York.” CEO Kondić said that Air Serbia to- day has a reputation as an airline that stands out in terms of its safety, servi- ce and product, and that the inflight and ground services will continue to be at a world-class level in the future.

Air Serbia has introduced shaving kits in Business Cla-

ss on its long-haul flights. Guests flying between Belgrade and New York can now request a grooming kit from cabin crew, which inclu- des a razor and high-quality sha- ving cream. The airline’s Business Class amenity kit contains a collection of essential travel items and natu- ral skincare products packed in- side a modern dark blue neopre- ne bag which can be reused as an iPad Mini case and features a de- sign inspired by the Air Serbia do- uble-headed eagle. A natural lip balm and skin hydrator developed by the luxurious brand, Scaramou- che + Fandango, are included in the kit alongside a sleep pack contai- ning comfortable socks and eyes- hades, a dental pack and earplugs.

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