Elevate January 2017 | Air Serbia



Goodbye, Vesna Zbogom, Vesna


ajčuvenija stjuardesa sveta, legendarna Vesna Vulović, preminula je u Beogradu u 67. godini, ali će zauvek ostati upamćena kao dama kojoj je za rukom pošlo nemoguće. Preživela je pad sa 10.000 metara u repu aviona kada joj je bilo samo 22. Bilo je to daleke 1972, na letu nekadašnjeg Jat ervejza od Kopenhagena do Zagre- ba, a Vesna je tada postala i do danas ostala simbol jedne prošle epohe, ali i plemenite, zahtevne i izuzet- no odgovorne profesije. Imala je u tom trenutku samo osam meseci radnog iskustva. Ova neustrašiva dama bila je uzor ko- N

he most famous flight attendant in the world, the legendary Vesna Vulović, has died in Belgrade at the age of 67, but she will always be remembered as the lady who effortlessly achieved the impossible. She survived a crash from a height of 10,000 me- tres, in the tail of the plane, when she was just 22. That was way back in 1972, on a flight of the former JAT Airways from Copenhagen to Zagreb, and Vesna then became, and still remains, a symbol of a past era, but also of a noble, demanding and highly responsi- ble profession. At the time of the crash she had only eight months’ experience on the job. This fearless lady was a role model for her col- leagues around the world, but also everyone at the national airline, where she remained a belov- ed friend until her last day. She also inspired many others with her brave fight after the accident, which left her seriously injured and for a time bed- ridden, to get back on her feet and carry on. “All of that was very painful. But I believed that I would stand,” said this brave woman. That’s why even now, when we say our good- byes to her, her name and face will remain as an example of commitment and professionalism for future generations of cabin crew members... but not only them.

leginicama širom sveta, kao i svima u na- cionalnoj avio-kompaniji, u kojoj je do po- slednjeg dana ostala rado viđen prijatelj. Inspirisala je i mnoge druge hrabrom bor- bom da posle nesreće u kojoj je bila ozbilj- no povređena i jedno vreme nepokretna po- novo stane na noge i nastavi dalje. „Sve to je bilo jako bolno, ali sam verovala da ću usta- ti“, govorila je ova hrabra žena. Zato će i sada, kada se opraštamo od nje, njeno ime i lik ostati ‎primer predanosti i profesionalizma za buduće generacije čla- nova i članica kabinskih posada, ali ne samo njima.

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