Elevate January 2017 | Air Serbia


Prag U centru više nema segveja Gradske vlasti u češkoj prestonici zabranile su vožnju segveja, električnog skutera na dva točka, u starom jezgru grada. Na području istorijskog centra Praga postavljeni su znakovi kojima su obeležene zone bez segveja, a svima koji ne budu poštovali ove propise sledi kazna od oko 70 evra.

Prague No more Segways in the city centre The city authorities in the Czech capital have banned the driving of Segways, electric scooters on two wheels, in Prague’s old town. The area of the historical centre of Prague has been marked with signs declaring “Segway free zones”, and all those who do not comply with the regulations will be hit by a 70 euro fine.

Er Srbija leti 10 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Prag Air Serbia flies 10 times a week from Belgrade to Prague

London Svetlosni spektakl Čarobni Festival lampiona u Londonu, kojim se obeležava Kineska nova godina, predstavlja spektakularni spoj umetnosti, kulture i nasleđa. Ovogodišnji festival, od 19. do 26. februara, na originalan način kroz impozantne svetlosne instalacije prikazuje put trgovine i kulture od drevne Kine do Evrope. Ova manifestacija održava se u vrtovima Čizvik haus , u zapadnom Londonu, a među ogromnim svetlosnim lampionima posetioce očekuje zmaj duži od 60 metara, kao i svetleći majmuni, pande i labudovi.

London Light spectacle

The Magic Lantern Festival in London, which marks the start of the Chinese New Year, represents a spectacular fusion of art, culture and heritage. This year’s festival, to be held from 19 th to 26 th February, will show the route of trade and culture from ancient China to Europe in an original way, through impressive light installations. The event will be held in the gardens of Chiswick House in West London, and among the huge lanterns visitors can expect to see a dragon that is more than 60 metres long, as well as illuminated monkeys, pandas and swans.

Er Srbija leti svakog dana iz Beograda za London Air Serbia flies daily from Belgrade to London

Pariz Počinje Nedelja visoke mode

Paris Haute Couture Week begins

Na nedelji visoke mode u Parizu, od 22. do 26. januara, najpoznatije svetske modne kuće predstaviće nove kolekcije za proleće/leto. Tako će zaljubljenicima u modu najnovije trendove predstaviti kuće Šanel, Kristijan Dior, Valentino, Đorđo Armani i mnoge druge. Nakon ovih revija saznaćemo koje će boje i krojevi dominirati na proleće, a kreacije sa pariske piste uglavnom se šiju po narudžbini, imaju dosta ručnog rada i rezervisane su za bogatu klijentelu.

The week of haute couture fashion in Paris, from 22 nd to 26 th January, will see the world’s best-known fashion houses present their new spring/ summer collections. Upcoming trends will be presented to fashion lovers by well know companies such as “Chanel”, “Christian Dior”, “Valentino” and many others. Following this week of shows, we will discover which colours and styles will dominate in the spring, though the creations from the Parisian runways are mostly sewn to order, with a lot of handmade elements, and are reserved for wealthy clientele.

Er Srbija leti dva puta dnevno iz Beograda za Pariz Air Serbia flies twice a day from Belgrade to Paris

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